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A look at the new Percia Jackson

Percy's Pov:
I woke with a start as my alarm goes off causing me to grumbld as I 'accidentally' destroy the damned alarm and roll over to sleep some more. Soon it was ruined by a certain Creator Goddess knocking on my open door "Whatdoya want?" Getting a response of "I have a favor to ask of you Nova" Before you ask I changed my name to Novano Eternal to show that I am stronger then those traitors that call themselves heroes.

I get up using one of my powers to change into my normal out fit (Pic up top is her outfit and looks) and I go to my living room where I see Chaos fidgeting nervously "What's the favor about?" Chaos sighs before saying "I may or may not want you to help the Olympians with their second war against the Giants and also Gaea is rising but I want you to bring Gaea to me while you can do with the Giants whatever you want" I simply look at her blankly "So your saying you want me to help their traitorous children?" I huff in annoyance when she nods "As long as I get to bring 3 of my friends." She nods vigorously then says "Ofcourse who are ya bringing?" I simply smirk knowing she is not going to like my choices

Chaos sees my smirk and groans as she realizes exactly what I was planning "Your bringing Them aren't you?" And groans again when I nod "I suddenly regret letting you pick who you want to bring with you" I only grin happily


I drag in 2 boys and a female excited to cause havoc "Nova why do you have that crazy glint in your eyes?" Said the female and to which I respond "Thats simple Aurora. I have the only opportunity to get back at those that betrayed me" Causing her to sigh while the 2 boys immediately shivered from fright of me "As cool as that sounds I am concerned for you Novano"

I roll my eyes at the black haired purple eyed before responding "Easy answer there Infinity I got over it but I still have a 'slight' grudge against my betrayers" I say that with a sinister smile causing the other man to groan "Your what? 18 billion years old? Yet you hold a grudge worse then anyone I know" He grumbles causing me to look at him neutrally ".....did you just call me old Daen?" Infinity and Aurora started to back away when I said that but I could care less when this prick of a gumball called me old "Nononono I was just saying that despite your age you can hold a grudge better then the younger people" Huh. I have a feeling he said that to save his own skin. Ah well.

"So how much time has passed?" I ask Chaos who says "About 8 years" Well fuck. Guess time passes slower in the Solaris Universe. "Guess I can prank the hell out of them" I smile happily not caring that the others shiver slightly "Alright I'll go and inform the Olympians about you lot" Says Chaos before disappearing in a rainbow flash.

¥ Flashback ¥
Percia's Pov:

I woke up not feeling the excitement the others were feeling after all yesterday was the day Luke died.. I never thought it would happen like that but I suppose it's just how the Fates operates. The gods have called me up today not telling me why but oh well might as well get going then

<Timeskip to when she gets to the Empire State Building>

I see the exact same guy as all the other times so I just walk over and tap the counter a few times in Morse to alert him of me. I grin as I head to the elevator but it falls quickly as memories of him came up from the short time I was around him causing me to fiddle with the keycard as I rised up to Olympus. I grimaced when I saw the rumbles and shattered homes that still remained from Kronos' attacks.

I paused when I saw the still damaged doors leading to the throne room

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2023 ⏰

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