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Namjoon immediately freezes when he hears your and a man's voices coming from your bedroom. What the fuck is going on? Why are you with a man in your room this late? Anger boiling in his veins, Namjoon runs to your bedroom door and pushes it open. You, Jimin and Namjoon all stop breathing. You are indeed very surprised to see him right now. You hate that your heart beats faster for him, you would like to hate him, just a little bit, for not contacting you like he said he would.

Namjoon, on the other hand, is seeing red. Your 'friend' is on top of you, hugging you, on your fucking bed. Is he interrupting the begging of a roll in the hay? Fuck, he wants to kill Jimin for touching you.

Completely unaware of Namjoon's anger, you smile brightly.

"Joonie!" You exclaim cheerfully

Jimin is pretty aware of what's going on and tries to stand up quickly. The wrath in Namjoon's eyes scares him to death. He gulps loudly while you clumsily walk to Namjoon. You almost strip and Namjoon has to catch you before you hit the floor, causing his heart to stop out of fear. You look like you are not even aware of you almost falling and you hug his big frame with your tiny arms.

"I missed you so much"

Namjoon can feel the alcohol in your breathe and with the way you are talking, the words coming from your lips with slothfulness. Did Jimin make you drink to fuck you? His eyes narrow on your friend.

"What's going on?" He asks, coldly

"We went to party" You answer with a lazy smile

Namjoon's jaws clench, looking straight at Jimin. Namjoon holds you tighter and you snuggle your face further in his buff chest. You missed his scent. You close your eyes to appreciate it more.

"And what were you doing exactly?" The question is addressed to Jimin but before he can even open his mouth, you reply


Okay, Jimin is officially a dead man walking.

"Is that so?" Namjoon's question doesn't really need answer this time

He wants to kill Jimin and then fuck you hard to punish you for letting another man touch you. He grabs your chin to make you look up at his face. Your pretty eyes are red because of the alcohol and your cheeks are blushed. He is angry. Very angry. He growls before reaching down to harshly capture your lips with his mouth. He tastes the liquor on your tongue and he squeezes your ass. Your brain is doing spins, both because of alcohol and the perfect kiss. Namjoon bites your lower lip so hard that you whine. Yeah, he will definitely punish you but not tonight when you're drunk as fuck.

He pulls away and looks back at Jimin.

"Get the fuck out of here" He orders him with the harshest tone possible

Your best friend doesn't waste any time and basically runs away. Once Namjoon hears the main door closing, he lifts you up in his arms and drags you in your bathroom. He doesn't talk, too angry not to snap at you if he opens his mouth. He undresses you and makes you sit down in the large bathtub that could easily fit you both, even with Namjoon's big body. He makes sure the water is at the right temperature, rolls up his sleeves to his elbows and starts washing your face to take off your makeup. You sigh in delight of his hands on you. You close your eyes, almost falling asleep surrounded by warm water and warm palms.

"You did drink a lot" Namjoon notices

You nod, slowly opening your eyes.

"I thought you got sick of me" You confess

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