"Secrets inside the Notes" Part one. The Alpha x The Nerd [Fluff!]

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Requested by: Nobody lmao
I thought of this a little bit ago.

The Alpha's POV:

I have been curious, I wonder how my boyfriend has been.
Me and The nerd, or known as Nolan, have been together for 3 years, and I love him a lot.
How ever, I think he has been hiding more secrets from me...so I'm gonna ask someone for advice.
"Hey love birds"
I said, keeping my cool, even though I think I interrupted something.
"Oh hey Alpha! What's up!"
The right side seemed more girly and cheerful then the left. Which is respectful.
"I need to have a talk with you guys, met me in room 690."
[time skip like 5 minutes brought to you by r/choosingbeggars]
I sat on the bed of the room and I hear a knock on the door.
I open the door and see the two dorks, I figured since they are in a relation ship, they could help.
"Soooo what did you need to talk about big stuff?"
The left side said, looking off.
"Well, I don't want to admit this but...I'm a bit worried about Nolan."
They looked confused for a moment until they realized who.
"Oh you mean the nerd? Why are you worried?"
I nodded and sighed, sitting back on the bed.
"Because it seems like he is hiding more from me, he always writes in this notebook and-"
Then I hear the door open again, it was The Believer with Nolan's notebook and some pizza?
"Ayo the pizza here!"
I look at The Believer with serious eyes.
"Why are you here Believer? We are having a conversation?"
"Well I was delivering everyone a slice of pizza when I heard you guys were talking about Nolan's notebook?"
The lovers gasp and run over to The Believer.
"Give us pizzzaaa!"
They said in joy.
"Of course there Loves. Also I needed to return the notebook to both of your room so here."
She gave me to the note book and a slice of pizza as the lovers are stuffing their faces.
"Thank you button head."
She rolled her eyes and left.
"Well we should head out we hav-"
"Oh my god there is a Charzard right here in Pokémon go!!!"
The right side said and the left one gasped.
"We gotta get that thing!!"
They open their phones and tried to catch it.
How ever I was wondering...what was in this Notebook?
I took a look on it and it seems this used to be a Journal...what if it still is?
I needed to figure out so I made a game plan.
Find out where he keeps it and read it while he is asleep or playing the game.
Perfect, I look over to the lovers as they scream in joy.
"We got it!!!"
I sigh and pointed to the door.
"Could you please go guys? I need time to think."
They looked at me and smiled.
"Okay! Thank you so much strong man!!"
They ran out the door in joy as I laid the floor.
A lot of thoughts went through my head, what the hell was in that journal?
[Another time skip brought to you by my identity crisis]

The Nerd's POV:

Ah grocery shopping, a casual thing we all do, however I was happier then normal because,
I was heading back to my apartment with my boyfriend!
I love him so much, he is so tough but sweet!
"Hey I'm here!"
I exclaimed, carrying our groceries in one hand and opened the door.
I saw him on the ground with a blank stare.
"Hey are you good buddy?"
He groaned and got up.
"Yes, I was just thinking about things, oh here is your notes."
I gasp as I saw my notebook in his hands and I snatched it from him.
"Y-You didn't read a-anything did you?!"
I can't believe this is happening today, I knew I forgot something!!
"No no, I'm not a nerd like you so why would I?"
I nervously laugh and out the groceries on the counter.
"I-I'm gonna go study and take more notes! I will be back around 7!!"
I sped off to the little closet we have and sigh in relief.
Thank god he didn't see anything, I got so terrified!
You might be wondering what's inside this notebook, well...
It's more of a diary of...unholy thoughts.
I flip to page 34 and start writing my fantasy's I have been thinking of...
And it's not only me it's really...me and Alex...
[30 minute time skip brought to you byyy....byyyy??]
I start to get tired and drift off and then I open my phone and-
Oh shit it's 6:58 already?!
I quickly get up and put my notebook on the top shelf, running out of there.
I get to the kitchen and I see Alex making some dinner!
It seems he was chopping some vegetables on the cutting board...interesting.
I walk over and give him a surprise hug.
"HOLY- [cough] Nolan you nearly gave me a heart attack, jesus fucking Christ."
"I'm sorry Alex! But what are you making?"
He looks down at me and smiles.
"A nice nurturing salad for us! I know you have been studying your big ass of you know?"
I jump a little and laugh.
"Yeah yeah I'm tiny so what, I'm getting more knowledge then you guys!"
He went back to cutting vegetables but didn't shake me off till he was done.
"Nolan, I need to make the bowls can you please get off?"
I shake my head and chuckle.
"If you want me too then you gonna have to make me!"
I heard him sighing before looking back at me.
"Would you pweety pleaseee get off??"
I wheezed and let go, almost breaking my head when I fell to the ground.
"Thanks. Now I need to add something...oh Nolan can you please get me my phone?"
I got back up and smiled.
"Sir yes sir!"
"Hah, thank you, I think I left it in our room."
I run off to our little room, posters on the wall and quite messy, but I'm not complaining.
Where could his phone be??
I look under the covers, bed, even the carpet but no.
Then I look over to see it on the table.
"Haha! I found youuu!"
I run back in and gave Alex his phone.
"There is you amazon delivery! May I have a tip please?~"
He took the phone and chuckled.
"Thanks Nolan your amazing."
And with that he kissed my cheek and passed me my salad.
"I tried a different recipe I hope you like it Nolan!"
The smell was amazing! And I bet the taste is too so I take a bite and-
"Oh my gosh! It tastes so good!!"
The small tomatoes and peppers really fit together with everything else!
The cheese, the lettuce, the onions, and...
"Hey what is this stuff?"
I point to the small grains of purple stuff on the salad.
"Oh that? Oh it's a interesting type of salt! It's really good with the salad."
I shrug and continue eating.
A few moments later, my eyes start to feel heavier then before.
"Hey...am I the only one getting sleepy right now...?"
I say as I look at him in confusion.
"I think so, maybe you have been overworking yourself...maybe we should head to bed?"
I sigh and almost pass out at the sound of his voice, it's so hot.
"Yeah...carry me please..."
He ended up carrying me with one arm all the way to the bed, where he laid me down gently.
He got down next to me and said:
"Good night my Marshmallow bean."
He kissed my cheek good night and I drift into a deeep sleep...


Yeah so I'm making this in 2 parts, the next is gonna be smut so be prepared!

Word count:1330

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