Chapter 10: One sided beat down

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Daric and Abby made it up the stairs revealing a chained up Pinda screaming in pain while being accompanied with a man with bird wings and the guy from earlier. They both unsheathes their weapons and got a more serious expression.



Lord Fen: I'm sorry but that's none of your concern. Brama could you see them out now.



Brama: Oh right yes sir.

Abby: Daric take five this is my fight.

Daric: No way I wann--

Abby: Daric you already ruined my day I need to take it out on something.

Daric: Fine just be careful. I'll fight that bird dude.

Abby: Fair enough.

Abby and Brama started walking towards each other while Daric followed Fen.

Abby: Alright then came at me!

Brama: As you wish.

Brama charged at Abby while she blocked the attack with her blades before stepping back.


Ice then surrounded his spear as he once again charged at Abby this time striking the ground under her.


Abby was then caught in a huge explosion of ice causing Brama to smirk for victory. That was short lives as Abby was protected by a purple aura. Abby took a moment to look at her and smile.

Abby: Wait I know what this is.

Brama: To bad it isn't gonna help you here. ICE BARRAGE!

Abby just stood their before planting one of her blades on the ground as she holds the other with both of her hands.

Abby: Get that shit out of here!

She used her blade and managed to break all of the ice with one simple strike causing Brama to get upset.

Brama: How did yo-- doesn't matter your still not capable of beating me.

Abby: Put your money where your mouth is.

Abby then picked up her blade before her aura grew even brighter.


Abby then unleashed a barrage of strikes at Brama with him being unable to dodge them as she managed to launch him into the air. She then spinned her blade around before tossing it at his leg before he came crashing down.

Abby: Aww you might wanna put some ice on that.


Abby: Yeah I get that a lot.

Brama then froze the leg that was injured and stood up now enraged.

Brama: Oh so you wanna use some crazy power up. Well guess what bitch I trained just as hard to get this form.

Abby: Oh really. Tell ya what I feel bad for you so I'll allow you to transform okay?

Brama: Your going to regret doing that.

Abby: I hope so otherwise I wasted my time.

Brama then got back up and surrounded hi entire body in ice.

Brama: ICE BODY!

A giant wave of ice surrounded the area.

Abby: Oh this should be fun.

Abby then grabbed her blades and charged at him before tossing one of her blades.

Brama: Pah pathetic.

Brama then flicked the blade away only for Abby to appear in a puff of smoke and managed to strike at his chest before kicking him away.

Abby: Man your pathetic.


Abby was now running avoiding the attacks before she grabbed her sword and made and X with them.


Abby managed to cut Brama in the chest causing him to recoil in pain.

Brama: How is this possible?

Abby: Well it's simple honestly. I'm just built different.

She then planted her blades on the ground before she charged at him.

Brama: GO TO HELL!

Brama then unleashed a giant fist of ice only for Abby to dodge it while her aura intensifies.

Abby: How about no.

Abby then gave him a swift punch to the face making him power down while being unable to move.

Abby: Wow what a good fight.

Brama: Why didn't you kill me.

Abby: Simply put because something tells me you changed your mind about working for him.

Brama: What you want me as you fuckin slave.

Abby: No not that. If you were a girl maybe but I meant as in you wanna join are friend group.

Abby then held out her hands which he accepted and got up.

Brama: Your something else you know that.

Abby: Yeah one in a million.

Just then they heard a massive explosion. Upon looking they saw Pinda however he was different. He had a more sinister aura with wings blacker than night.

Abby: Pinda? WHAT THE FUCK!

Brama: It's to late damn it. Looks like we are gonna have to fight him.

Abby: Oh my goodness.

Brama: I know your scared but we have to.

Abby: Who said I was scared? I can't wait let's do this.

Brama: You are a strange girl.

Abby: I get that a lot.

They both get their weapons ready as they get in their battle stances.

Abby: Alright then let's do this.

Brama: Right.

*End Of Chapter*

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