Chapter 6

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It's seven in the morning and I'm surprised I was able to sleep last night. I slept only two hours but it's better than nothing. I had a lot on my mind. I need to find out what mom did at the police station. I want to confront her but before that I need to make sure Amy got everything right and that mom really went to the police station that day.

I've tought about ways to do this last night. And when to do it. Today after school I'll go to Amy's house and ask her if she understood everything right. Based on her answer I'll ask mom what she did at the police station without Theo.

I am getting ready for school, because unfortunately today is the first day. I can't say I exactly hate school. I've always been a good student and most teachers liked me. But I can't say the same about the students. They all hate me. And I have absolutely no idea why. But it's been like that since middle school. They would always say the meanest things to me, mostly about my appearence. I would go and cry to my history teacher, Angela. She would always comfort me and tell me everything is going to be okay. Her class is the only place where no one would bully me. One time, a guy made a rude comment and pushed me during history. Angela called his parents and they made him apologize. It was the first time someone said sorry to me. My parents never knew about this though, not even Lucas.

I have put on a pair of blue jeans and a sweater. It's pretty cold for the first day of september. It's even raining outside. I take my umbrella and leave for school. I live about fifteen minutes away from school so there's no need to take the bus, I always just walk there.

I get to school early to my surprise so I don't hurry down the halls, that gives people more time to give me all kinds of looks. Some look kind, probably because they heard of my dad's death. But some are like the other years, smug and mean. I don't think about it too much thought. I didn't check my scheduelue but as I see I have history first class a smile appears on my face.

I walk in and see Mrs. Angela, her whole face lights up as she hugs me. She is as beautiful as ever. Ivory skin, long brown curly hair and hazel eyes. I admire her so much, outside and inside. After a good minute of hugging we start talking about her summer but then her face drops a tad bit.

,,Honey, I heard the news about your dad. I am so sorry, I can't imagine what it feels like. How are you holding up? What about Lucas, is he good? I've seen he dropped my class this year.'' she says, a sad smile on her face. I didn't know Lucas dropped her class, I guess he just wants to focus on other classes before going to college.

,,I'm okay. Lucas is pretty good too, he told me he wants to apply to Hardvard Law. I know it's hard but I belive in him.'' I say. Angela wants to respond but is intrerrupted by the bell. She excuses herself and I go take a seat.

I meet Izzie at lunch and we just catch up. She tells me more about Jess who, not to my surprise, is now her boyfriend. Iz keeps talking about how sweet and charming Jess is when I spot Rhys, with my brother. And they don't look like they're fighting or mad at eachother at all. They look like friends. Does Lucas even know who Rhys is? Theo probably made that asshole befriend Lucas, I can't fucking belive this shit.

,,Es, are you listening to me?'' Izzie snaps me out of my toughts.

,,Yes, I am'' I give her a smile and continue eating.

I walk out of the cafeteria as I take one last look at my brother and Rhys. All I want is for him to be safe. To end up in Law School and get the future he wants, I don't want his life to get ruined by a murder he didn't commit.

After school, as i promised myself, I go to Amy's house. She works in the same office as my mom, that's how they met. I ring her doorbell and wait.
,,Hello sweetie! What are you doing here?" Amy says.
,,Um, I came here to talk to you about my mom. It's not a big deal actually." She invites me in and I look around. Her home is all pink and full of family pictures.
I sit down and ask her if she knows for sure my mom said she went to the station yesterday.
,,Yes, honey. I remember perfectly. She just told me she is leaving early because she has some business at the police station and that she'll stay late tomorrow to catch up. I figured it's about Ezra so I didn't question her too much. Why do you ask?" Amy says as she offers me tea.
,,No reason. Just didn't really remember what you said on the phone yesterday. I was really tired and my mind wasn't really in place." I lie, thinking about what the hell happened yesterday.

I get home ready to ask my mom where she really was because neither Amy's or Theo's story add up to anything she said and I am getting really confused. But after looking for her, I realize that she may be still at work catching up the hours she missed yesterday doing god knows what.

It is really late, around 10 pm and she should have finished work at around five. I am getting frustrated of her lies and decide to go to sleep. I will talk with her tomorrow and hope I just misunderstood everything because this whole situation dosen't sit right with me.

Have a magical day and don't forget to vote🫶🏻🫶🏻
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