Chapter Three

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Within enough time, I was at Spindle Records, 15 minutes before my shift. I walked in and saw a girl with auburn hair and grey eyes, with a name tag that said "Dorothy", so I approached her, hoping she was the manager. "Hi, are you the manager? I'm here for my first day of work." I said with a smile. She looked back at me and smiled warmly. "Oh! You must be our new employee! Great to have you here, love the outfit by the way!" I also smiled in return, "Oh, thank you! I really appreciate it!". She took my hand and shook it very quickly, whilst continuing on about the stores policies. "Now, since you're brand new, I'll just have you walk around the store and ask customers if they need help looking for Vinyls," I made a mental note of this in my brain. "you'll be working with one of your coworkers, his name is Kai. He should be here soon, and he'll be at register. I will be in the back section, so if you need anything, ask him or me. Got it?" I nodded and gave a confident smile. She handed me my name tag, and soon enough, she was behind an employees only door.

I clipped it on and began browsing the shelves of the records, seeing if I could eventually get something for myself or my friends. I then heard the door open and saw a boy with dirty blonde hair and amber eyes enter. He must be Kai. He sat his stuff down by the check out desk, and I eagerly ran over to him, "Hey there! I'm your new co-worker, it's a pleasure to meet you."I gleefully said, sticking out my hand for a handshake. He looked up and gave me the stink eye, which confused me heavily. He then spoke, "Are you Cameron,". I nodded. "Oh, great, just what I needed in the store, a bitch with raccoon eyes." I was taken aback by the comment, and I slowly moved my hand back. But then he continued on, "What, did that upset your feelings? How about you go in the bathroom and stress about it with a blade, huh?". This deeply hurt me, so I spoke up, "Hey, you haven't even met me before, you don't have to be such a jackass all because I dress differently." He just laughed at me. I felt like crying, but I wasn't going to let him get to me, especially because customers were starting to come in.

Eventually, I noticed one customers that seemed like he was confused. He had brown, curly locks, with matching brown eyes. He also was incredibly tall- and that is coming from someone who is 5'7 naturally. I approached him and asked, "Is there anything in specific you're looking for?" He looked up and stumbled on his words a bit, "Uhm, yeah- do you know where I can find an Arctic Monkey's Vinyl?" I must've interrupted him mid-thought, which was why he was a bit sloppy with his words. I nodded, "Yes! Let me show you them, they're right over here." I walked him over to the front of the store, close by where my bitchy co-worker was. I picked up the Vinyl and handed it to him, "Here you go, hope this was helpful!" I cheerfully said. He smiled in return, his cheeks a little bit flushed. "Yeah- yeah thank you- Cameron." Just as I was about to say you're welcome, my co-worker decided to bump his way into our conversation. "Hey dude, maybe ask someone else, she'll probably curse you now." he snickered. I was once again getting irritated and upset, but I kept my composure and spoke up yet again. "Just shut up Kai, you don't even known me yet." After this, I was pushed to the floor, my back and head hitting a display case. Everyone was now watching the drama that was going down. As I was getting myself up, the boy I helped earlier then began to shout, "Dude, what the fuck is your problem?! She didn't do anything other than her job, stop being such a jackass." My co-worker was becoming redder than blood itself, and he looked like he would punch the brown hair boy, but before he could get a swing, I stepped right on his foot with my shoe, and I stepped hard. Kai shrieked, and after I took my foot off his own, he nearly fell over.

The manager ran out, demanding to know what all the screaming was about. Kai then lied, "The new co-worker attacked me! I knew she was bad news, just look at her!" I was on the verge of tears at this point, but thankfully, others in the store spoke up. "That's not what happened." "Yeah, he began agitating the girl first." "Check the cameras, he's the guilty one." I felt hope return to the situation. My manager spoke up, "Kai, see me in my office right now." Kai begrudgingly followed her into the back section, and everyone continued shopping. I looked into the boys eyes, "Thanks for the help." He smiled back, "I should really be thanking you, if you hadn't broken his foot then I would've gotten a black eye." We both laughed, and I helped him check out his record. He waved goodbye and walked out of the store. I was smiling so much, it felt.. weird.

Eventually, the store closed at 9:30 PM, and I helped check out customers. 5 seconds later, my manager walked out, with this face of remorse. "Cameron, I sincerely apologize for how Kai treated you, it's my fault for not realizing sooner." I began shaking my head excessively, "Hey don't blame yourself, he's the one who was disrespectful." I said as I smiled. She then told me she could close up and I could head home, so I picked up my bag and began the walk back.

I arrived in my dorm at around 10 PM and locked the door. I tossed my bag on the floor of my bedroom, washed my makeup off and washed my face, and changed into my pajamas.

(Your pajamas)

I laid on my bed, sprawled out like seaweed on the sand, with the boy from today on my mind

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I laid on my bed, sprawled out like seaweed on the sand, with the boy from today on my mind. He wouldn't leave it, and I felt my face getting hot thinking of him. I said to myself, Why am I thinking about him so much? I don't even know his name for fucks sake. I felt like a dumb movie trope. As I got under my covers, he still wasn't gone. He was just there, with his smile, his eyes, his voice echoed in my head. As I slowly drifted off to sleep, despite the fact he wouldn't leave my brain, and it was confusing and annoying..

There's a part of me that liked it. ❤︎︎

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