I'm not hungry

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Yoongi's brow furrowed with concern as he noticed Hana's absence during mealtime. She was usually a lively presence within the group, but today, something felt off. The worry in his chest grew with each passing minute, and he couldn't shake the feeling that Hana needed someone by her side.

Hana had trouble expressing her feelings, and most of the time she locked herself away from the world in the comfort of her room.

Leaving his own untouched plate behind, Yoongi made his way to Hana's room. He hesitated for a moment before gently rapping his knuckles on the door, his voice laced with genuine concern. "Hana, it's Yoongi. Can I come in?"

A muffled response came from the other side, granting him permission to enter. As Yoongi stepped into the room, his eyes landed on Hana, sitting on her bed, her eyes red and puffy. The sight tugged at his heart, and he couldn't bear to see her in such pain.

Without a word, Yoongi crossed the room and sat down beside her. Hana's eyes flickered with surprise and vulnerability, unsure of how to express the turmoil within her. Yoongi understood her silence and gave her the space she needed, waiting patiently for her to open up.

After a few minutes of tense silence, Hana's voice trembled as she spoke, "I... I'm not okay, Yoongi. It's been a rough week, and I just... I don't know what to do."

Yoongi's heart sank at her words. He understood the weight of her struggles, having faced his fair share of battles in the past. He reached out and gently took Hana's hand in his, offering her a comforting touch. His thumb rubbed soothing circles on the back of her hand, a silent gesture of support.

"You don't have to face it alone, Hana," Yoongi said softly, his voice filled with empathy. "We're here for you, every step of the way. Remember, we're a family, and family takes care of each other."

Tears welled up in Hana's eyes as she leaned into Yoongi's embrace, seeking solace in his presence. Yoongi wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight hug, wanting to shield her from the pain she was experiencing. He held her as if he could absorb her sorrow, offering the comfort she needed.

In that moment, Yoongi realized the power of physical touch. His hug spoke volumes, conveying his unconditional support and understanding. He held onto Hana as she cried, providing a safe space for her to let go of her pain.

As the minutes passed, Hana's tears subsided, and a sense of calm washed over her. She looked up at Yoongi, her eyes filled with gratitude and a glimmer of hope. "Thank you, Yoongi," she whispered, her voice filled with sincerity.

Yoongi smiled gently, his touch still lingering on her back. "You don't have to thank me, Hana. We're in this together. And remember, it's okay to lean on others when you need it. We'll always be here for you."

From that day forward, Yoongi made it a point to check on Hana regularly, offering his support and a listening ear whenever she needed it. His hugs became a source of comfort and reassurance, reminding her that she had someone to lean on during her darkest moments.Through Yoongi's love and care, Hana found the strength to face her challenges head-on. His unwavering

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