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Roused from his slumber by an intruding beam of sunlight, Elijah awoke with a yawn. Gunmetal gray walls greeted his return to the waking world with a silent grimness. Inky black pools gazed downward at the slender chest of Elijah, where a scar lay atop chiseled muscles. A parting gift from the metallic monstrosity that nearly took his life. With only a thick metallic sheet and blanket as his companion, all he could do was ruminate.

Weeks had passed since the rebel leader's incarceration after yet another fierce battle against The First Ideal. He could still feel the intense heat of the pulse blade as it sliced cleanly through The First Ideal's sentries. What was initially supposed to be a supply run escalated into a clash betwixt the Resistance and Ideal's forces. Such vast numbers of Sentries rarely strayed away from the domed cities that dotted the globe leaving him no other thought than betrayal.

"Huh?" Elijah spoke aloud at the overhead lights, which dimmed briefly until they went out.

"Must be a power outage." Elijah said in a quiet voice. Suddenly the electric barrier blocking the door dissipated. Without the presence of the obstacle, he fled the cell. Elijah knew he found the exit when he reached a gate guarded by twin Sentries.

An explosion abruptly rocked the compound drawing the guards away long enough for him to sneak by. A supply transport shuttle that he'd assumed was headed into the city sat idle, allowing him to hide inside of it. He knew it would be suicide to try and flee on foot, so he'd opted for the transport.

"What was the cause of the disturbance?" One of the Sentries asked another. Its metallic face portrayed no hint of emotion yet the curiosity in its voice was unmistakable. Elijah who hid nearby was also eager for answers.

"One of the generators seems to have exploded. The cause is being investigated." The short exchange told Elijah some interesting tidbits and led him to wonder, but he didn't want to waste too much time on it. Instead, he'd find a way to escape the city once the shuttle reached it. The area was unfamiliar to him, but maybe a resistance cell was operating nearby.

After what felt like hours the shuttle finally stopped at a fuel station. Thinking quickly, Elijah raced towards an enormous bus positioned opposite the fueling base. It was unusual in that it lacked the gray gloominess of everything else he had seen so far. Instead, it was painted a sunny shade of yellow, and covered in blue clouds and smiley faces. Cautiously, but hastily he approached the bus. Thoughts of using the strange vehicle as a temporary refuge at the forefront of his mind.

"Wha?" When he approached the doors of the vehicle, they automatically opened for him. The young renegade wasn't sure if it was a trap, but he didn't have time to think. Elijah instead boarded the bus, hiding at the very back of it. Until nightfall he'd conceal himself, thinking Sentry presence would be lower.

"What now?" Elijah said with a startle. The bus activated, its interior coming to life. It had only been a few hours and things were already starting to look bad.

"Little boy identified. name unknown. clothing inappropriate." Came a voice from within the bus. It's wake was followed by a red wave of light that washed over Elijah with a quiet hum. He realized the bus was scanning him and making an analysis.

For some reason the contraption referred to him as a little boy when he was a twenty-four-year-old man. It was annoying, but nothing could have prepared him for what followed.

From infinite black a dozen mechanical tendrils emerged from the ceiling. Before Elijah could react, the tentacles ensnared each of his limbs. Despite his strength augmentations, The Rebel leader could not resist the tendrils sway.

"Preparing to implement dressing procedures." Metal parted beneath his feet, giving rise to something strange. Flat, blue, and soft a table arose from the floor. Still trapped within the clutches of the tentacles Elijah was helpless to stop them from lowering him onto the table.

Twin straps of some alien materiel snaked their away across Elijah's chest and legs, securing them. Once he was fastened in place the tentacles released him. Shortly thereafter, another menace from above appeared. Four tubes ended by a hose showed themselves and spayed the young rebel with a soapy solution. Within seconds the mystery solution devoured his clothes. Even his body hair was eradicated save for his eyebrows and hair.

"What is this? What the fu-"A circular object with a nipple-like protrusion was inserted into his mouth, cutting Elijah's tirade short. The culprit was a metallic hand that seemed to have been summoned solely for that purpose.

"Little boys are forbidden from using illegal language." The contraptions' words' left Elijah in a state of confusion and anger, causing him to thrash about. Elijah's efforts, however, wilted before the might of the restraints.

His final doom came in the form of more metallic hands. These contraptions were different in that they carried items with them. White and fluffy with tape protruding from either side it was clear that one of them carried a diaper. In the other machines' hands was what looked to be a blue onesie.

Elijah balked at the sight of what was about to happen to him. Once again, he tried fruitlessly to break free but he couldn't move.

The straps retreated from his body only to be replaced by a legion of hands. Several of the digits pinned him down whilst two of them held his legs up. When the diaper slid under him, his buttocks were brought down onto its cottony surface. The front of the diaper was then placed on top of his genitals before being secured into place.

When it was time for the onesie the hands showed him what he'd be wearing, as if to mock him. The robotic hands then guided his limbs through the holes of the onesie without much trouble. Lastly, they snapped the buttons on his crotch into place. Despite his efforts Elijah was forced to endure the humiliation that befell him.

When he was finally allowed to stand up. Elijah instinctively tried to rip off the outfit, but he couldn't. For some reason the fabric was too resilient to be torn. He couldn't even unbutton the outfit, leaving him trapped in a costumed hell.

"It's time to pick up the other little boys. So please sit down." Announced the voice to Elijah who complied. He was mortified, but he knew better than to pay attention to himself. He was alone behind enemy lines. For the time being he decided to comply and keep his head down until he could escape.

Pacifier still in his mouth, Elijah took his seat at the very back of the bus again. By the time it started moving the hands and table were folded back into the vehicle. He sighed a breath of relief that the machines were gone. He debated leaving the bus, but he knew moving on foot would be a death sentence. When Elijah laid eyes on the city he was in shock. The streets were spotless, and the air was clean, but that wasn't what surprised him, it was everything else.

Buildings colored bright shades and covered in images of cartoony animals stood proudly. Infantile parodies of cars roamed the roads whilst stop signs and benches resembled playschool versions of themselves. Meanwhile, young men dressed like babies went about their business. From thin to muscular tall to short they acted as one would expect from people living in a busy metropolitan. He could even see the bulky diapers bulging out from beneath their babyish attire. Even stranger none of them seemed to be over the age of twenty-five nor were they in poor shape.

"What is this place?" Elijah whispered in a low voice. Not that he expected to receive an answer.

"Transport coming to a halt. Transport is now ready for passengers." Announced the bus, its glass doors parted to welcome a stream of bodies. After seeing the crowd, Elijah decided to blend in with the mass of overgrown toddlers. He might have been dressed like a fool, but he'd use this to his advantage. If he was careful the young leader could escape the citadel right under the Sentry's noses.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2023 ⏰

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