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I heard I'm your wife
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 43 Cute

    Gu Chenfeng's voice is low-pitched, that is, the subwoofer that girls especially like, and when he speaks, it is full of irresistible charm. What he said to Lin Wei was bewitching, trying to make Lin Wei listen to what he said, and obediently move it back.

    Unfortunately, Lin Wei didn't feel anything, "I won't return."

    Being rejected, Gu Chenfeng's complexion changed slightly, "The house you live in has a small activity area, and no one takes care of your daily meals, making life inconvenient. Living at home, not to mention anything else, the area is big enough, and there are people who can..."

    Gu Chenfeng analyzed one by one how bad it is to live outside, how good it is to live in Gu's house, Lin Wei became impatient, and turned to face him, "I live alone. I want to be quiet. It doesn't mean that I can't afford to hire someone to take care of my life, and I can't live in a villa. So, you don't need to say it, I don't want to hear it." After she finished speaking, she lifted his hand from

    the She took it off her waist and went downstairs.

    Not convincing her to succeed, Gu Chenfeng is not depressed.

    Step by step, at least she is willing to spend the night at home tonight.

    After dinner, Lin Wei wanted to pack her things, but Gu Chenfeng followed her, which was difficult for her.

    In desperation, she asked: "Aren't you going to take a shower?"

    Hearing what she said, Gu Chenfeng showed joy, "I'll go right away."

    Lin Wei had no other intentions, she just wanted Gu Chenfeng not to follow her, She had the opportunity to organize things, but she didn't expect that Gu Chenfeng's meaning was misunderstood, thinking that she was sending a signal of reconciliation to herself, after all, she was in the master bedroom and did not stay in the guest room.

    Therefore, Gu Chenfeng washed quickly, about ten minutes would be fine.

    Lin Wei was concentrating on looking for what she needed, but she didn't realize that Gu Chenfeng had finished washing. It was he who came over to hug her, and she realized that he had come out of the bathroom.

    "I'm fine!" Gu Chenfengjun's face was full of smiles, and there was a faint expectation that only adults would understand in his eyes.

    It is summer now, Lin Wei is wearing very thin clothes, and the heat of Gu Chenfeng's body is easily transmitted to her.

    This is obviously different from the usual body temperature, it is much hotter!

    She looked up at him, who was nearly a head taller than her, and saw that his hair was wet with water droplets dripping from it. One could imagine how anxious he was to come out, and he didn't even dry his hair. Looking at his deep eyes again, there was some kind of light shining, as if hinting at what he wanted to do.

    This is not the first time she has encountered such a scene.

    It's embarrassing to say, as long as she is Gu Chenfeng's legal wife for a day, he is entitled to ask her to fulfill her husband and wife obligations.

    She was not angry, and said calmly: "I asked you to wash up. It's really washing up. There is no other meaning."

    Gu Chenfeng was reluctant to let go of the beautiful woman in his arms, "It's been a long time..."

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