chapter 8

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emma's pov: 

i am sitting in the car in between the Twins. oh God please Help me. this is so fucking wierd. There is silence the only thing that can be heard is the radio. Everything was fine till I felt a hand in my thigh, oh have mercy bro. It was Javon's hand, slightly going up and down. I am feeling the blush creeping my chicks. I could see Jaden deathstaring Javon, cmonnn now I feel bad, fuck that. After 10 minutes we arrived and got in.

 After 10 minutes we arrived and got in

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I sat in the middle of javon and Jayla this time. We were talking about Life in General until a young, good looking man approched us to get our orders. He must be our age i thought. Every one told him what they want and it is my turn. I looked at him and we made eyecontact but meh he is not Javon orrr Jaden. 

?- What does this Beautiful Lady want?

E- i want a Martini with no alchohol (a/n i dont even know if this exists)  in it please and  some Pasta please. 

?- Okay it is on your way, I am Josh by the way. he said and extended has and for me to shake which i dir 


W- yeah well pleasure to meet you Josh but i would like our food 

Jo- Oh yeah sorry sorry. he said and left 

Javon had a jealous and angry expression on his face and the same thing goes to Jaden. Jayla just laughted and told how flustrated he was. What can i say i am really Hot 🥹😎

Josh came Back with our food and as he was serving me he gave me a pice of paper with his snap. i fake smiled and excused my self to go to the bathroom, before i could go in a hand grapped my arm. i quickly turned my head to see Javon. Thank God. i am not looking to get abused. 

E- Jav what are you doing are you okay? 

W- no i am not okay emma. Friends dont Look at Friends that way. I couldnt stand the way he has looking at you. dont you get that i am in love with you !? You are mine and only mine. i Wanna be more than friends. Emma will you be my girlfriend?

E- OF COURSE JAVON YOU KIDDING ME!? i answered and kissed him.

torn between the Waltons- jaden/javonWhere stories live. Discover now