Way the Wind Blows

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Words sank into the water as if they were being run through a washing machine. Yet, Sebastian could make out what was being said by the person standing in the bathroom doorway, invading his personal space and privacy. "He threw up."

Sebastion clenched his eyes shut, trying to forget how he'd managed to throw up in front of several individuals in Portia, his arms wrapped tightly around his thin frame as he held his breath as Sebastian soaked all the grime off his body. The need to scream in frustration resulting in air bubbles escaping, lessening the time he could hold his breath under the warm water, his frustration with the person standing in the doorway growing.

"I don't know why," they—Gust—said.

He sat up, gasping for air, his arms reaching out for the tub's sides as he tried not to pay any attention to the older cousin who, from what Sebastian remembered, always hated him. He glanced around, attempting to give Gust his best glare, hoping all the glares he'd received from his mother would pay off, although the way Gust raised his eyebrow indicated it may not have paid off.

"You can't soak in the tub all day."

Sebastian gritted his teeth together, fighting back the urge to say something he knew he would regret, mainly since Gust's younger sister was likely within earshot. His eyes closed as his entire body tensed despite how the warm water should be relaxing him instead. He took a deep breath, thoughts in his head tumbling. "How many people know how messed up I am now?"


Sebastian's eyes blinked, his head turning to look at Gust, his body relaxing at the unexpected use of the childhood nickname. His mouth opened and closed, his mind confused as Gust had never used the nickname to his recollection, but then Gust had never referred to him by name, even when they lived in their grandparent's home. At the same time, Gust attended the university in Atara, and Sebastian attended the high school headed by the same university.

"Mint," Gust said more firmly, obviously annoyed.

"The high school I dropped out of," Sebastian thought while saying, "What?"

"You've got Father and Ginger worried, you know," Gust said, keeping his voice low, almost as if to not worry Ginger.

"Given Ginger's illness...." Sebastian thought to himself, swallowing, feeling too ashamed to even apologize for making them worry, although in reality, he should apologize to their faces. His head tilted, so he could look away while feeling awkward sitting in the bathtub, naked, while his cousin intruded.

"And I'm worried as well," Gust said. "This isn't like you."

Sebastian felt his eyes widen, then looked at Gust, horrified at the idea that Gust thought he knew him, or perhaps he was horrified at being judged for how far he'd fallen in his cousin's eyes. He swallowed, choking out what he wanted to say. "What do you mean this isn't like me?"

Gust's eyes, a vivid blue, widened, surprised at the outburst, which in Sebastian's mind meant he was in for a lecture from his older cousin. Only—

The lecture never came.

"You know, I think that's the most I've heard you say since you arrived back in Portia a couple of months ago," Gust said. "Most of the time, you respond with a single word, typically yes or no."


"Or that," Gust said, letting out a sigh. There came a silence between the two.

"Alright. How do I manage an even longer sentence telling him just how comfortable it is for him standing there while I'm naked without managing to tick him off, resulting in the famous family temper mom's side of the family is known for? Well, except for Mom's older brothers and Ginger."

Way the Wind Blows (My Time at Portia/Stardew Valley Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now