Chapter 2 Curiosity

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Silence usurped the entirety of the room, the gold upon wooden embellishments on the wall shined in its former glory as specks of dust threatened to dull the reflection of the lights. Books of various topics and lengths littered the fine leather couch that faintly mirrored the shine of the golden curls that Risa took so much pride in.

With a swift flick of her wrist, a single envelope was tossed into place dropping into the seat beside him.

"Don't think that you've gotten away from me just yet. If you're unable to bring me the cube, then I can soon make use of you in other ways."

Otto grasped the envelope with a curious gaze as he inspected it under the light.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"Read it and perhaps I'll answer the questions you have when I return, since you seem to value your temper so much over common courtesy."

With those words she slipped out of the room. Dissatisfaction was painted all over her face despite the intrigue that tugged at her mind when it came to the actions that brother of her's would take and no longer than a few seconds later a soft click came from the doorknob and the muted taps of her heels against the floor disappeared into the other side.

Otto was left with disheveled but curious thoughts playing with his mind. He was finally left alone, he could escape, find Kallen and run away from his monster of a sister, repeating the cycle all over again.

But now, he was rooted in place. From the moment he could speak words he had been helpless to his curiosities and this time his curiosities about his sister and her plans held him hostage in this unwelcoming room.

He adjusted his posture as his eyes addressed the envelope that was still occupying his hands. Until he could learn more, he was going to investigate every nook and cranny of the space and every inch of the letter if it meant that the tiniest slivers of her true intentions could be found.

'Risa, what is it that you truly expect of me?'

The sound of heels across the floor echoed the old hallways. Metal bars lined the walls, separating each room and guided prying eyes towards the insides but even while occupied by the bare necessities the rooms almost reeked of an emptiness that had inhabited the place for years at a time.

And no different was the single cell in use as it got no more welcoming when footsteps approached. The metal had already begun to show signs of decay and yet Kallen took no initiative to use it to her advantage, she sat as still as a statue as she awaited her fate.

"Are you truly that petty? It's been days if anything and yet you still refuse to even look at me."

White hair shifted only slightly to signal her retreating her gaze further to the opposing wall with a sickened look.

"If you're still patiently awaiting your execution just know that it won't be happening, so stop sulking around and converse with me."

Kallen's head raised the slightest bit and her attention was piqued. A satisfied smile was plastered across Risa's face as she folded her arms under her chest.

"I had great plans for you, if you were only a bit more cooperative in discussions like my little brother, maybe then you would have some say in the immediate future of Schicksal."

"He wouldn't discuss a single thing with you either, after everything you've done."

"Oh you wish. He's finally free from your ideals for the first time in what felt like an entire century and look at him, it's like he's grown thousands of years wiser without you there holding him back, he's even grown wise enough to realize that I was right."

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