05- A favour

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Charlotte stood in the car park. It was late at night and cold and she was focusing on finding her sister. She looked to see klaus as he walked over to her and jumped as she realised how he had sneaked up on her

"Jesus. As a trillion old vampire can you not jump out on me. Some of us around here are human" she said as he looked to her and smirked

"Well you still have your will to live although I do wish to turn you. But I'm more than a vampire. I'm not a trillion years old. Don't worry Lottie I will find your sister and you will owe me" he said as he looked to her and smirked

She took a step towards him and smirked "this is about my sister, my dim witted sister who I love dearly and who our father has kept hostage. Now I'm not saying kill him but it wouldnt bother me if you did, this is about family. My family and nothing else and if I have to swallow my pride when it comes to you then do be it" Charlotte said as he looked to her and smirked

"A father who hunts his children. That sounds overly familiar to me" he said as the two of them held a look

"Your father hunted you" she asked as she wrapped her arms around herself as he slipped off his coat and placed it over her and smiled

"He created us...he hunted us. But that's something you need to worry over Lottie" he said as the two of them held a look

She was starting to feel like she knew him better. She was starting to feel like he wasn't the monster that she realised

"You'll handle this. I have to go. My other sister is freaking out" she said

"Leave it with me love" he said as she smiled before walking off

Charlotte got back to the forbes house as she saw Chloe "there you are..what are you wearing" Chloe asked as Charlotte groaned as she realised that she still had klaus coat

"Oh it's nothing. I was called. I got your message why are you freaking out" Charlotte asked as Chloe sighed

"Damon ditched me, I know it seems stupid when care is still missing but he went on a road trip with bambi on ice to find stefan and I am not trying to be paranoid and jealous as he's trying to find his brother apparently he's in Chicago with klaus" Chloe said as Charlotte frowned

"He's not...klaus I mean he's here I saw him" Charlotte said as Chloe looked to her and frowned

She could tell her sister was being weird

"And your wearing his coat. Well I thought you hated him"

"I do, I just needed help it's family" Charlotte said as Chloe looked to her and smirked

"Whatever you say Charlie" Chloe said as she looked to her sister and smirked as Charlotte walked off out of the room

Charlotte stood in the grill working. She knew they she didn't want to work. She knew how her kid was elsewhere but she knew that she needed the money

Charlotte looked to see Liz as she walked over to the bar and smiled "hey mom" she said as Liz smiled

"Are you sure about what you said. That you saw your father" Liz asked as Charlotte nodded

"Yeah. I am. Look I am worried over Caroline. We know what she is and we have accepted it and it had made her a better person but I do think our father has her and you know how he is with vampires and everything. He is going to end up killing her which is why we need to find her" Charlotte said as Liz looked to her daughter and smiled

"Leave it with me charlie" she said as she walked off. Charlotte looked after her and ran a hand through her hair. She knew that she was nervous over everything that was happening and how she just wanted caroline to be okay

Charlotte stood in the car park after work. She freaked as she heard a noise and sighed to herself as she got into her car

"The whole town in run by vampires and I'm loosing my mind" she said

"I don't know, some of onus are werewolves some are a bit of both" klaus said as Charlotte jumped as she saw that he was sitting in the passenger seat and frowned as she looked to him

"What the hell...how did you get in here. Why are you here" she asked as he looked to her and smirked

"Your sister is safe. I thought you should know" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"And you can to tell me that by sneaking into my car did you" she asked as he smirked

"Well you know me Lottie I like to keep people on their feet" he said as he turned to face her.

Charlotte rested her head back on her head rest and smiled

"Thanks for helping" she said as he smiled

"Oh I think that your aware of that I will do anything for you Lottie" he said as the two of them held a look

"What have I told you over calling me that" she said as he smirked

"You can't stop me I could kill you"

"Then do it" she said as he smirked

"No I'm not going to kill you. But don't worry you owe me a favour and I'll be collection on it soon. Stay safe" he said as he stood from her car

In a blink he was gone as Charlotte sat there. She was questioning herself. She was questioning just what the hell had happened and how she seemed to be finding herself getting closer to an original vampire knowing how nothing good could come of it

Charlotte knew things were a mess but little did she know how things were about to change when it came to her and klaus

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