A First Time For Everything - Albedo

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Gender Neutral Reader

Warnings: Jealous/Possessive Albedo, Barbra Slander (from Albedo)

In Which... You used to work for the Knights of Favonius, so people ask you to help them from time to time. Albedo gets jealous when you spend time helping people, instead of helping him.


"Good morning, my dear. I was thinking of painting you today, how does that sound" Albedo smiles when you walk into the room. "I'm sorry Albedo, but I can't today," You say, walking towards the door. "H-Huh?" He's shocked by your response, did he read your schedule wrong? He quickly walks over to you, grabbing your wrist "W-Where are you going, my love? I thought you didn't have anything planned today". "Albedo, calm down" You gently pat his shoulder "I promised Barbara I'd help her set up for a church event today."

"Barba...Ra? Hmph...I see how it is. You would rather help her with some silly church event than help me with my work?" He was upset by this. "Albedo please, it's just a few hours, I'll be back by lunch, I promise" You sigh. "Very well, you may go then" He lets go of your wrist, and you get the feeling that he's still upset. As soon as you leave he starts pacing back and forward in his lab, and his hand twitches like he wants to smack something.

You get home 10 minutes before noon, take off your coat and boots, and sigh feeling the hot air hit your skin. You hear quiet footsteps behind you coming from the hallway, but after you turn and don't see anyone you think you must simply have been imagining things. So you just go about doing some chores, completely oblivious to the fact that Albedo is now hiding in a closet in the hallway, watching your every move.

"Albedo must be busy" You mumble to yourself, continuing to fold laundry. He watches you silently for a few more minutes. He steps out of the closet, walking behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into a hug from behind, and looking over your shoulder at whatever you are doing. "Ah!" You drop the shirt you were folding "Oh, it's just you Albedo! You scared me."

"You're mine and only mine. No one else's. You should only be helping me. You should only love me..." he seems to be a bit more intense than usual, and he still continues to grip you tightly from behind. "Albedo, Barbara is a minor, I don't love her the way I love you" You pinch the bridge of your nose. "You shouldn't be around that useless deaconess at all! I do everything for you and yet you still leave my side to be around that little brat..." His grip tightens around your waist. "Just what is so interesting about the church girl that you have to leave me for? How many hours did you spend helping her? Huh?".

"I don't know, four or five hours?" You rub your eyes "I'll spend all day with you tomorrow". "Hmph... Fine then. Just let it be known that you belong to me and me only. Understand?" His fingers press into your hips. "I know Albedo" You roll your eyes, continuing to fold laundry. "Hmph..." He suddenly starts to speak again, his voice quiet and soft.

"I'm sorry. I get carried away sometimes. It's only because I love you so much... I just can't help but be a bit possessive over you, that's all". He kisses your cheek "Your not mad at me, right?". "I'm not mad, just frustrated. I get a little upset having to have the same conversation with you every time I leave the house..."

"Hmph... I see how it is..." He puts what he hopes is a reassuring smile on his face, he even gives your waist a gentle squeeze to emphasize the point. "I'll stop bringing up the subject, I promise. I can't help but feel possessive sometimes... But I know you're mine and you always will be, so I have no reason to worry, right?". "Right. I'll never leave you for anyone. Well, except if they need my help with something or it's a family emergency" You smile, but can't help but feel anxious.

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