Prologue: The Leader Is Dead

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As I sat in the taxi, on my way back from college, my phone rang. The voice on the other end delivered the worst news I could imagine: "Sir Nathanael Copaques, your father, Lewis Copaques, is dead."

My heart sank, and I was consumed by shock and disbelief. Without a second thought, I instructed the driver to change course and head to the airport. This was an emergency.

As we raced towards the airport, I made a call to Donna, my father's trusted consigliere, to arrange a flight for me. I had to get back to Birmingham as soon as possible.

"Donna, listen carefully. I need you to prepare a flight for me, pronto!" I demanded, my voice shaking with emotion.

"Of course, Mr. Copaques," Donna replied calmly, trying her best to soothe me. "Your flight number is 512-BA."

As we reached the airport, I rushed towards the gate, my heart pounding in my chest. The guard stopped me and asked for my boarding pass.

Frantically, I showed him my phone, praying that everything would be in order. "Alright, Mr. Copaques. This way," he said, motioning me to proceed.

I boarded a private jet, and the pilot greeted me. "Mr. Nathanael Copaques?" he asked.

"Yes, that's me," I replied, my voice trembling.

"This way," the pilot said, leading me to my seat.

As I sat in the airplane, my mind was racing. My father's death had left me in a state of shock and despair, and I couldn't believe that he was gone. But I knew that I had to stay strong and face the harsh reality of the situation.


The Black English Turf, Birmingham, United Kingdom

As my limousine pulled up in front of the imposing mansion, I could feel the weight of grief and uncertainty pressing down on me. Stepping out of the car, I looked around and immediately sought answers.

"Where's my dad?" I questioned urgently, my voice filled with a mix of desperation and sorrow.

Approaching me with a solemn expression, my father's trusted bodyguard, Lexi Anderson, stepped forward.

"Your father's body is in the basement," Lexi replied, his voice heavy with emotion. "It's being prepared for burial tomorrow."

Nodding, I took a deep breath, steeling myself for what awaited me. With determined steps, I made my way towards the basement, knowing that confronting the truth was inevitable.

Entering the dimly lit room, I sought out Donna, my father's consigliere, for some clarity amidst the chaos of my thoughts.

"Donna," I called out, my voice echoing in the somber space. "Can you tell me how my dad died?"

Donna turned to face me, her eyes filled with sorrow. "He was killed by a bullet to the head," she responded softly. "I've preserved the bullet for further examination."

Realizing that Lexi might hold valuable information regarding the bullet, I turned to Donna with a request. "Bring Lexi with me," I implored. "Perhaps he knows something about the bullet, some clue that could shed light on this tragedy."


The Turf's Basement

The Turf's BasementTaking the preserved bullet in my hand, I turned to Lexi, determined to find answers. "Lexi, I know you've been tinkering with bullets for a long time," I said. "Do you recognize this type of bullet?"

Lexi examined the bullet closely before responding. "It's a 9mm bullet," he said, his voice filled with certainty. "It's commonly used by pistols and SMGs. It seems that someone snuck into the turf and killed your dad."

"But how did they do it?" I asked, feeling a sense of frustration creeping in."Most likely with a silencer," Lexi replied. "It's an attachment for pistols and SMGs that can muffle the sound of the gunshot."As I looked at the bullet again, Lexi pointed out a unique pattern on its surface. "Look at this," he said. "It's flowers and roots. That means this bullet was used by John Rose's gang."Feeling a surge of anger, I clenched my fist and declared, "Damn. Then let's assault that damn gang."

But Lexi cautioned me, "Not so fast. John Rose's gang is the most notorious in Birmingham. Taking them down won't be easy."I let out a deep sigh, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Maybe you're right," I said, my tone subdued. "We need to collect more men and firepower before assaulting Rose."Lexi nodded in agreement. "I'll send some Enforcers to scout the Ghetto area and recruit more henchmen," he said. "We need to be strategic about this."

As Lexi made preparations, I couldn't help but feel a sense of overwhelming grief and anger. My father's death had sparked a fire in me, a desire for revenge and justice that could not be quenched. I knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, but I was determined to see it through, to avenge my father's death and protect my family's legacy at all costs.

BLOOD BONDS VOLUME 1: REVENGE AND MONEYWhere stories live. Discover now