thirty two.

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warning: this chapter has mentions of underage drinking.

the next morning, mackenzie woke up with a pounding headache. she could not recall anything that happened after she left the room with chris. 

"and she's awake!" nick announces. mackenzie sits up and realizes she was on her couch. she was still wearing her dress from last night. her hair felt like it was a disaster.

"how long was i asleep?" she asked nick, who shrugged. 

"not sure. it's like ten am right now, everyone else went to get breakfast. you fell asleep after the guests left last night, though. so maybe around midnight?"

"oh, that's not so late." mackenzie grimaced. she couldn't even remember touching alcohol last night, but the empty red solo cup on the coffee table in front of her said otherwise. she looked around the living room, only to now realize that nick was cleaning up the whole house my himself.

"jesus, fuck, nick!" she exclaimed, getting out of bed. "let me help you."

"no, mack, you're hungover. chris told me what to make and shit, so your whatever the fuck smoothie is in the kitchen."

"chris knew what i liked?" mackenzie asked, surprised that he recalled a small detail from months ago.

"yeah, he did." nick replied softly. "he said he was gonna bring you watermelon on the way home, too." mackenzie's heart fluttered at the mention of chris bringing her favorite fruit. for a split second, she forgot about what she had said to him the night before. 

nick noticed the wistful look in her face. he remembered chris telling him about last night, but he didn't want mackenzie to know he knew, so he decided to change the subject. "so, wanna choose which pictures of you to post?" he asked. "i took a bunch of good ones." mackenzie nodded.

"yeah, sure!" she smiled, grateful for the change of subject. she got off the couch and made her way to the kitchen, where nick followed her. sure enough, a gross, green smoothie was on the island waiting for her. "god, this looks just as bad as last time."

"i just did what i was told." nick held his hands up in surrender before sitting next to her on a barstool. he pulled his phone out from his pocket and opened the photos app. "i'll airdrop you the pictures." 


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liked by christophersturniolo and others!
mackenziegrace 9teen <3


nicolassturniolo YESSSSS MACK

nicolassturniolo who took these ?
>> mackenziegrace you did!

aylagregory who picked out the dress???
>> mackenziegrace YOU DID!

aylagregory STUNNING
>> mackenziegrace heart eyes for u

emaan.khan AHHHHHH

>> mackenziegrace MY ONE AND ONLY

matthew.sturniolo okayyyyy mack!!!!
>> mackenziegrace love u matt

logannwhite fun fun night
>> mackenziegrace thank uu for coming :)

clarasong AHHH UR SO PRETTY!! i wish i was there :((
>> mackenziegrace logans told me about u bruh i want to meet u so bad
>> clarasong LITERALLY SAME.

>> mackenziegrace i missed you theo

madelynbaker YOU. ARE. SO?????
>> mackenziegrace I LOVE U?????

christophersturniolo pretty pretty pretty
>> mackenziegrace ty ty ty

user who else just saw chris's comment...
>> user WHYD HE DELETE IT ?????
>> user idk i heard they broke up but i could be wrong

we need to talk

when u get back
we'll talk after i open my gifts


maha speaks :)
three more chapters question mark ?

upside down , chris sturniolo. ✓Where stories live. Discover now