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"Perhaps  we could go to the park on Tuesday?"
A lonely flame danced on its candle giving the dining room a cozy feeling.
John flung a dirty pudding spoon into a warm sink full of bubbles, Tom handed Gabby a clean plate still warm from its wash, she placed it carefully on top of another plate.
"That sounds like a great idea, Gabby." John's voice unceration and lazy.
Once the dishes ran out Gabby followed her brother back to the dinner table for a game of cards.
The deck was missing a few and Tom often cheated in a game, but still Gabby loved to play. 
Ever since mother had died leaving Gabby the only girl things have seemed awkward at times, but a simple card gave Gabby some kind of belonging.
Just as John came to join his children's card game there was a knock on the door.
"I will be there in a second" John called to his kids.
The bulky front door revealed a mailman.
The mail man pushed an envelope to John's chest,  just as Gabby raced excitedly to see who was at the door.
The mail man frowned at his own shoes.
" I am  so sorry"
He then left and john took a proper look at the envelope 
Gabby didn't recognize the stamp
" Gabby go to the table"
When tom saw the letter his relaxed smile melted into a frown,
"I  thought the boys at school were only joking about that"
Tom whispered to no one in particular.
The envelope held a pale green sheet from the US army. They were recruiting every male from every household above the age of 17 to go to war.
"What are we gonna do with Gabby, she can't come with us "
Gabby didn't understand why she couldn't come along, It didn't seem fair.
John turned to Gabby, placing his hands on her shoulders and kneeling down to her height.
"Gabby, me and your brother are going on a trip and you can't come with us"
They were going to war.
Gabby lay in bed that night tossing and turning, whispers of Tom and dads conversation creeped up the stairs into her room.
"What are we gonna do with Gabby, what are we gonna do?"
Gabby lay in bed contemplating what they were saying.
She thought about it for a while, either she stayed home and Aunt would take care of her or she would secretly follow them on their trip. It was dangerous, but if she didn't follow them then she may never see her family again.

Gabby Where stories live. Discover now