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Jade was lying in his room while he was studying for his his exam, He was not sure if he was going to pass but still he had to study hard to get the passing marks atleast.

Just after doing an long 1 hour of study he went for a little wall around the house as he walked into the living room and saw a strange light coming behind of the tv, He went to check it as the very moment he just looked behind it, A bright light struck his eyes as he almost dozed off and the next moment he came to his consciousnesses, he was being called by someone by his name.

“Jade!! Jade!! Jaaaaddddeeee !! ”

Jade slightly opened his eyes and tried to see who was caling him, Just as he did he something hanging close to his face.

A white furry ball type thing hanging right in front of his eyes, the moment he laid eyes on it he freaked out as he startled and woke up immediately as he got up and made eye contact with the thing.

Both of them were looking at each other as the furry ball thing flying in the sky with his big wide eyes looking right at Jade with a big smile on his face as Jade still in confusion, Gulped as he stood up and backed off a bit as he saw another person standing there and shouting looking toward the person he said 


The person turned around as he looked at Jade and the moment Jade laid his eyes on the person he realised that the person was a beautiful girl, Jade did felt strange for a moment but just right moment he realised his situation and asked her again about what was going on.

She kept looking at him but didn't gave him any answer as Jade kept looking at her in hope of an answer But seeing her not replying Jade was again gonna say something but before he could say anything, He heard a voice

" why you asking her ? I am the one who called you here and i will the one to give you all the answers to your questions. Jade! "

Jade hearing the voice and his name turned around realising one thing that the voice came from the fluffy ball which he had no way in hell thought was a creature who can speak.

Jade looked around as he saw nothing else around being in the middle of nowhere in a desert and nothing around but Sand all over.

Jade and the fluff ball were looking at each other now as Jade was not sure what to even say or even react to this situation And before he even could make up his thoughts on this, The fluff ball said

' I know you've got so many questions so i will be happy to tell you all the details to one extent, So let me first introduce myself.

I am Lestar, The Guard of this realm in the presence of my masters and you are one of the people who are called once every 10 years to this world from a different world.

If you may ask, Why ?

Then let clarify it, that you are just one called here for your sole purpose of entertainment to my masters will and nothing more.

Even if you stay alive or die here doesn't concern this world nor any of the people who are included in your summoning.

You can live in this world however you want and however you please but know one thing that your will be monitored, so don't try to go against us or we will delete you from the existence.

By any means, You won't know anything about this world so, We have this girl here who will your partner for a whole year and after that you both will be on your way.

So you can ask her anything and that doesn't concern us as she doesn't work for us and she is only an adventurer from this world and is in for this job for money.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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