Chapter 1

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Y/N had been looking forward to this moment all day. It had been a particularly long and stressful day, filled with endless meetings and deadlines that seemed to pile up one after another. As soon as she arrived home, she headed straight for the shower, eager to wash away the day's worries and tensions.

The sound of the water provided a soothing background noise as Y/N allowed the steamy spray to cascade over her body, easing the knots in her muscles and melting away the stress of the day. She had lingered under the hot water, letting her thoughts drift away as the steam filled the room.

Finally, as she felt her body relax, Y/N turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a fluffy towel around her body. She took a deep breath and let out a sigh, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

As she stood there in the quiet of the bathroom, Y/N thought about all the things she still needed to do before she could truly relax. Work assignments, chores, errands - the list seemed endless. But for now, at this moment, all of those things could wait.

Y/N closed her eyes and focused on the stillness around her, taking in the sense of calm that had settled over her. She knew that the stresses of the day would return soon enough, but for now, she was content to simply bask in the afterglow of her much-needed shower.

She heads over to the closet and takes out a white oversized t-shirt along with a pair of black shorts and puts them on. She looked at herself in the mirror satisfied with the fresh and natural look on her before heading out to the dining room where her parents along with the maids in the house were waiting for her arrival. As she arrived, she smiled, kissing both of her parent's cheeks, greeting the maids there, and finally settling down in her seat.

" Y/N, honey, how was your day? " her dad chirped as he served the rice on her plate which she delightfully accepted.

" Same old, same old. Assingnments piled up, but you know your daughter, so I finished them quickly," she replied, her plate now filled with the day's dishes.

" That's our daughter " her mom added with a proud smile on her face as replicated the same before grinning with her cheeks full. As they started eating, light matters were discussed on the table while the maids headed their own ways, busy with their work.

" Y/N " her mom voiced out as they finished dinner Y/N nodded her head their way indicating to continue "We have something important to discuss with you "

" Sure. Go on " she replied, her attention now entirely on both her parents as they took a seat on the couch.

" What are your opinions on going to Thailand after finishing your school here? " her dad asked.

Thailand? Her eyes sparkled at that word. Her parents and she moved to France when she was 7 years old and they have been staying there ever since. Though she was young, she made a lot of memories there, and moving from her home country then made her a bit sad. But now that her parents suggested the idea, she knew that they had plans on moving back. So she beamed her fullest and fully nodded her head, a squeal added along with it.

" Of course, I would love it. Is that even a question " she squeaked as her parents chuckled at her reaction.

" That's good then 'cause we plan on moving soon, " her dad said as she abruptly got up and hugged both her parents really tight, muttering a thank you every second. She was happy. So damn happy. She could finally see him again and she was excited. As soon as she broke the hug, her phone started ringing in her pocket. When she saw the ID, she got over-excited. Her parents knew the reaction and said she could attend the call. She thanked both of them once again before rushing to her room.

She gently closed her door behind her and threw herself over her bed. Her face lay on top of the pillow while her phone was still ringing to which she answered when she realized she looked presentable enough.

" How long will you take--- " the voice on the other end started to complain but when the person saw the over joyful Y/N, he started beaming as well. " Looks like something good happened. I can feel your cheeks saying 'Ouch' with the wide smile on your face " he chuckled watching his best friend.

" Something did happen," she said, the wide smile, never leaving her face.

" That's good " the voice at the other end of the said, eyes wide waiting for her to start talking.

" I'm not telling you "She stuck her tongue out, leaving the guy pouting like a child.

" Thyme!!! Stop with that expression. You know it gets me " she laughed, closing her eyes.

Yes. Thyme. Her best friend for as long as she could remember. The brat she met when she was just a walking baby and was stuck with him ever since. They were inseparable. After she left for France, both of them were left heartbroken at the separation, but Thyme promised to frequently keep in touch with her. And when he said frequently, he actually meant it. He called her every day without missing a beat no matter what happened.

" Just tell already " Thyme whined from the other end as he became very curious.

" It's a surprise. I promise you will get to know after a while " she huffed out, the expression on his face still the same.

" Ok fine, but I'll not leave you until you say it " he frustratedly said to which she nodded and showed her little finger in the sign of a pinky promise while he did the same.

Then they randomly started talking about random stuff, laughing at everything the other person said. She laughed the most when he was saying something about his friend Ren doing something weird for the first time in a while. She was yet to meet his other friends as this childish boy was over-protective of her and had refused to let her meet them saying they would spoil her. So after she moved out of the country, she only heard stories of them making her impatient to meet them even more.

Still chuckling they looked at each other through the phone screen, a smile never erasing from their face.

" It would have been so great if you could've been here " he sighed, a sad look took over his face which Y/N felt bad for. The matter was on the tip of her tongue, ready to come out, but she somehow stopped herself from spilling it out. She was about to say that she was returning back to Thailand but stopped as she wanted to see his reaction when she did. So instead she half lied saying " Yeah, me too. I missed the days when we would casually hang out at each other's houses for days together. But as you know, my parents has business plans here and I don't think I'll be back anytime soon "

He sighed. He missed his bestie. A lot. He was ready to come with her, but she forced him to stay back, saying he should be in the place where he belonged.

" You know what- " Y/N started saying about her day, trying to change the sad environment around them which she successfully did. Thyme was fully into the topic, totally forgetting the blue vibes from before. They spoke for quite a while when Y/N said she was sleepy and said her byes before hanging up the call.

She turned around, staring smilingly at the ceiling thinking ' I'll be there Thyme. Just wait a bit ' before sleep finally took her in.

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