Снартея 3 - Наииан

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Снартея 3 - Наииан

Coleen threw her black shurikens at me and I raised my silver dagger, Moon Ray, to deflect it.


It dropped to the ground, just as Janet, Rikie, and Bettina attacked her. Bettina jabbed her silver sword at Coleen, but she rolled away in time. Rikie and Janet looked at Bettina and the three of them nodded. Rikie climbed on Janet's back and stood on her shoulders. While Coleen was too busy watching the duo, Bettina went into a crouching position and swung one of her legs, making Coleen fall. She got up again, but Rikie jumped off Janet and kicked Coleen, causing her to slide across the room, knocked out cold.

Loise, our medic, ran to Coleen and brought her to the bench to look at her bruises. I felt sorry for Coleen. Rikie was known for her strong hits and kicks after all. I was too pre-occupied thinking about how Rikie could hit so strong, when Janet, Rikie and Bettina looked at me.

Uh oh.

They ran at me, weapons raised.

Ah! I silently screamed in my head. I didn't want to experience the same pain Coleen went through, so I started to run away and turn invisible.

"Hey!" Bettina called. "No fair, Hannah!" She started to slash the air with her sword while Janet was scanning the room with her black eyes.

Meanwhile, I was leaning against a wall in the corner, thinking how I was going to defeat the trio. I was planning to attack them invisibly from behind, but I've done it before. Besides, they were all back to back so it really would've been a fail. I thought of turning off the lights then attacking Janet with a butt-head so I'll only have two more to go. I shook my head instead, thinking otherwise. If I did that, Janet might puke her breakfast on me. Suddenly, I came up with a brilliant plan.

Our training room had these little catwalks suspended above us. It was held by sturdy ropes and had floor lights by the sides. Still invisible, I quietly climbed on the catwalk making sure I was directly above the trio. I looked down and smiled at myself as they continued to eye the room, not even bothering to look upwards. I silently counted in my head, waiting for the right moment.




I jumped down towards them, turning off my invisibility while doing so. "Rah!" I screamed at them mid-air. They all looked up with shocked expressions plastered on their faces. I stuck my leg out and ended up kicking Janet in the head. She crumbled on the floor, leading to Loise rushing to her aid. I smiled to myself.

"I'll get you for that!" Rikie screamed at me and charged with Bettina closed behind. They both had their weapons raised. I didn't even bother running. Instead, I stood still, my dagger ready to slash anyone who came my way. Rikie raised her sword and attempted to stab my leg, but I side-stepped her move. Bettina did a round-house kick, but I stopped her mid-way by grabbing her leg. I held her leg tightly and found her struggling to release it. Eventually, I let it go and pushed her across the room. She too like Coleen and Janet got knocked out cold.

I turned to face a stunned Rikie. "Well, what are you waiting for?" I asked her. She snapped out of her trance and glared at me. "You should be scared. I can take you down." She informed me. I laughed. "Oh, please. I can beat you with my eyes closed." I boasted. "Try me," Rikie responded. I shrugged. "I'm warning you, this isn't going to be pretty." I ran towards Rikie and slashed her side. Rikie was quick, so she managed to avoid my dagger. I slashed and slashed again, this time, managing to make a cut. She quickly glanced at her wound and watched drops of blood trickle out. I took this to my advantage and twisted her arm. She winced it pain and attempted to kick me. I had to have a good grip on Rikie, or else she would win. She had lots of spunk and spirit in her and usually won every practice battle we had. I slapped her hand hard and her sword clattered on the ground. I twisted her arm even harder, but this caused Rikie to bite my hand.

"Ouch!" I yelped in pain making Rikie smirk. She slowly picked it up and held it against my throat. I was backed up against the wall, so I had nowhere to go. Rikie could spot the defeat in my faceand told me, "I win." She had a big smile on her face, considering this was her fifth win in a row. Nobody has defeated her yet, though we all came really close. It was kind of funny since she was the youngest in our group and no one could beat her. I sighed and wiped off the sweat from my face while walking over to Loise to help tend to Bettina, Janet and Coleen, who were all regaining consciousness.

"Did you win?" Janet asked me rubbing the spot where I hit her. "No," I muttered. "Rikie won again?" Coleen complained as I placed a pack of ice on her stomach. I nodded my head and Bettina groaned. "Well, you can't do anything about that. I mean, it's Rikie."She stated. We all nodded in agreement and watched Rikie chug down a glass of ice cold water. Loise spotted us eyeing Rikie and told us, "Be careful if you're going to go over there. You might get hurt again." She advised Coleen, Bettina and Janet. "Yes, madam," Bettina and Coleen simultaneously while Janet nodded her head.

"Anything you need?" Rikie asked us when we went to her. "No," Janet murmured while Coleen, Bettina and I said, "Maybe," We all laughed before Rikie asked if we wanted to do anything during our break from training. I suggested we watch a movie, Janet suggested we eat, and Coleen and Bettina suggested we sleep. We ended up watching a movie when I noticed Loise was still packing up her medical supplies. "Hold up guys," I told them and jogged off to Loise.

"Hey Loise, we're going to catch a movie. Wanna come?" I asked her. She shook her head. "No, I'm okay. I'm going to review my medical training. I'll catch up with you guys later, okay?" I smiled at her. "Alright, see you later!" I called after her and ran to the others. "Loise isn't coming?" Bettina asked. "Nope," I replied.

We hailed a taxi and climbed in. We were all chatting happily, but I occasionally looked out the window and thought to myself quietly. What happened to Loise? She usually joins us when we go out, but now she's been refusing to. Is she hiding something? Is she ashamed to be with us? I didn't know what is was, but I was determined to find out. The others sensed my silence and looked at me. "Its fine," I lied to them. They shrugged and went back to their chatting. I joined them as Coleen told a joke, making the whole taxi crack up with laughter.

Laughing at that moment was a big mistake. We all had this device called Alerter that signalled us whenever our house was under attack. At that moment, the device was beeping in our pockets, but we couldn't hear it. The sound of joy over clouded the sad beeping of the Alerter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2013 ⏰

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