chapter 27- talk

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After what seems to be the longest, most miserable car ride if my life, we finally reached my complex and I handed the keys to the valet before walking into the building with Elliana. She was silent the entire car ride and she's till silent now. I too, don't dare to engage her in any sort of conversation, fearing it might turn her positive decision around. When we reach my condo, I ask her if she wants anything to drink. I know she's just 18 so I hope she knows I meant water. She just politely declines and I lead her to the couch. I sit opposite to her, just to be safe. I take a deep breath before finally starting to speak.

"I'm going to tell you everything today, Elliana. Whether you decide that you want to be with me or not is your decision, but despite that, I want you to know that I want us to always be friends. And I don't want to hide anything from you. Some of the things about your parents may be disturbing...and some things about me might be too dark."

She nodded, not saying a word still and I began.

"I'm not a Laurent. I'm in no way related to my grandparents."

"What?" She asked in shock.

"Well, not biologically at least. I'm an orphan. I've been one for a
chunk of my childhood. Until my mother adopted me. I was 6 then, when she adopted me. My mother was a very compassionate woman. She believed in the joy of giving and helping. She was pretty young when she adopted me. She was only 23, amd she lived with her parents; my grandparents. I was very loved in that house, in that family, by my mother and my grandparents. Then she met a man, who promised her the world. They planned their wedding, but nobody, including my mother knew his true intentions. He only wanted her for her money. My mother was my grandparents'only child, so naturally she'd get everything they made, which meant he'd get his hands on everything they made. His true colours were brought about a year later, when my mother get pregnant. Left her, alone and heartbroken and mother decided to raise the child alone."

"You have a sibling?" She asked with her head cocked to the side.

"I do. I have a little sister. Anastacia."

"But she's your cousin, isn't she? You said so yourself!"

"I know what I said, but she's not my cousin. I lied. I lied to the world about being an only child because I had to protect Anastacia. My grandparents decided to spread the word that my mother was never pregnant with anyone other than me. And she died when she had me."

"But why?"

"It was to protect her from her biological father. He was a married man and wasn't exactly a good person....only my mother didn't know that. She raised us alone and Anastacia was told the truth when she was old enough to understand. This time was also when your parents forst started their illegal activities. They stole from your grandpa's company and sold it. They soon got involved in drug deals. This went on for a few years, with your parents having no idea that everyone knew their intentions. When you were born, I was there. My mother was there. She was the first person to hold you after your parents. She was best friends with your mother. They were like sisters. I held you next, then my grandparents."

I looked up to see her intently listening to me, so I continued.

"Mother died due to 'food poisioning'  just a few months later. It too, wasn't an accident. It was a planned murder, initiated by....your parents. Her death left me and Anastacia with Grand-mère and grandpa and for years, I didn't see you. Your grandparents kept communicating with mine though. And when they felt that things were getting out of hand, they approached your mom's parents. Blair and Shawn. They found out about your parents' tie up with the mafia and we're furious. There was a huge argument, your mother stabbed Blair to death and your father strangled Shawn. They dropped his dead body from the terrace, making it look like an accident. That's when your grandparents knew that nothing was going to stop them from getting ownership of the company. So they let them have it. When Hermit and Rosalia finally planned something big enough to expose them, they too died."

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