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"I hate men"

YeuriThe name of a calm female Ghost, who can be aggressive when triggered

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The name of a calm female Ghost, who can be aggressive when triggered.

Today was the day, as we touched down in a city whose name I couldn't quite place, i think it was las almas? The moment the chopper doors swung open, I instinctively shielded my face from the brilliant sunlight. The warmth enveloped me, leaving my skin slightly flushed. Mexico's unforgiving heat made its presence known. My gaze followed Soap who was walking out of the doors from the chopper and walk down it's bridge, his innocent cheeky smile on his face.

I've never been particularly adept at mingling with new people, given how my previous encounter with a newbie had gone awry. In my initial weeks here, I had already managed to leave a rather undesirable impression. It made me wonder how long the rest of the team could tolerate me or place their trust in my capabilities, for they often regarded me with suspicion.

During our training sessions, Soap had this persistent habit of reminding me to keep my weapon on safety before using it. It was as if he believed I might accidentally shoot him at any given moment where he would be in a vulnerable state, and honestly, it grated on my nerves. The case was entirely different with Ghost; he rarely paid heed to what I did, or at least he appeared that way most of the time. I don't even believe it myself yet i see him 24/7..

Ghost was a different story than the others, like, wayyy different. He remained incredibly vigilant and kept a watchful eye on me, akin to a hawk. The intensity in his eyes was more unsettling than his imposing build, which was rather unusual. Normally, I don't easily get unnerved by people, but his eyes, those deep, life-filled eyes devoid of the typical humanity, sent shivers down my spine.

But now, let me introduce you to... them.


Colonel Alejandro Vargas is part of the Mexican special forces, but the interesting bit is that he doesn't have a call sign. I've only had a quick glimpse of the guy – know his face and job, but that's about it. Ghost, always the taskmaster, hasn't given me a moment to dive into his files. The real story, though, is the one about how he lost Hassan. I mean, how do you lose a terrorist when they're right in front of you? Guess I'll have to pester him for that tale another time.

Right now, though, it's time to stay on track and focus on the mission at hand.

"Sergeant Mactavish!"

Soap was the first to speak, a loyal companion to Our Captain. Soap or John "Soap" Mactavish as he's known. Soap's famous for his sniper skills and being the youngest soldier ever to join the British SAS.

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