Out of nowhere Ambrose grabbed your flower vase and threw it right at you, knocking
you to the ground that's when you felt your head and then looked at your hand that was
covered in blood, you were losing blood really quickly. Then you got very dizzy out of thin air
and passed out. When you woke up you looked around and saw that you were in the hospital
and then something caught your eye (Your enemy was sitting in the chair next to your bed) You
were shocked, and when he woke up he was happy to see you awake and that's when he said "
Omg, Y/n your awake! You are safe now Ambrose went to jail for Assault I noticed something
wasn't right cause you weren't answering my texts or calls.
So I came by and saw what happened so I called the cops and an Ambulance" "Thank you
for doing that, but where are my kids" You asked "Don't worry they are at my house with my
maid and little sister she is 19yrs old so you don't need to worry" He replied while moving your
hair out of your face. "Thank you! for taking care of my kids while I'm the hospital" You said
smiling "Anytime" He exclaimed while laughing a bit. "Now lets get you out of here, your kids
really miss you" He said helping you out of the bed. You got out of the bed and grabbed you
clothes and wen into the bathroom and changed into you nice red dress that went up to your
upper thighs. When you came out you saw how you enemy blushed.
After you saw him blush you got a little bit suspicious, you guys go out of the hospital he had a
nice Lamborghini, he opened the door for you after he got in the car you guys drove off to his
house where your kids were. When you guys got inside the house you kid ran to you happily
"Mommy! We missed you so much, and we were so worried about you" You cried while hugging
them, because you haven't seen them after it went pitched dark after being hit in the head with
a flower vase..
February, 18th,1974 - 4 years after the incident with Ambrose:
You were celebrating your sons 8th birthday and then there was a knock on the door, you open
it and got a sick feeling in your stomach, because you saw Ambrose at the door. "Y/m.. I'm so
sorry for everything can I please have a second chance I'll never do it again, I was so stupid to
do it." He said in an upset way. "Ambrose I'm sorry, but I can't give you a second chance after
what you did, you hurt me and traumatized my kids, so no I'm sorry so go away and never talk
look, or be around me ever again.
After that he left and you closed the door still with the sick feeling in your stomach, U look up
and saw your enemy standing there with your 2 year old daughter in his arms, You kind blushed
cause you thought it was cute. Then You enemy asked you a question that made you turn so
red, and you became speechless...

RomanceY/n was just going to get a tattoo, when she gets in she thinks she is just gonna get a regular tattoo. But little does she know that something is gonna happen to her, and she has a big surprise up ahead with this dude named Ambrose.