Chapter IV: Majik and Yusuf

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After making it back home, Pg lays on the couch staring at the ceiling. While everyone is in their rooms doing their own things, Pg thinks about just how crazy his life has become in the last three days.

"Remember when you were just a normal janitor on the weekends? Now you're a janitor on the weekends with superpowers" he giggles to himself. Later that night, Pg's still awake. Bored, He decides to take a walk. During his walk, the realization that his life will never be the same begins to set in. Suddenly his giddy joy fades, and is replaced with a more serious, almost sad demeanor. The overwhelming realization triggers his gift, with his hands and arms sporting a soft glow. Worried about being seen, he rolls down his jacket sleeves and runs into a nearby diner, startling the waitress

"Excuse me, we're closed" she says

"Sorry! I need your bathroom!" Pg apologizes and he runs to the bathroom. The waitress stands there confused before going back to cleaning tables. In the bathroom, Pg splashes cold water on his face, attempting to calm himself and the glow. While wiping off tables, the waitress hears the front door open again

"The sign literally says-" she turns to see Sceath, "Ugh!"

"Oh Dina, is that anyway to greet an old pal?" Sceath snarks

"What does your boss want this time?" Dina asks, putting away the cleaning supplies

"This is simply a check in, have you been taking your doses?" Sceath asked. That question stops Dina in her tracks. In the bathroom, Pg overhears the conversation, recognizing Sceath's voice

"Why does it matter?" she asked, "Afraid I'm gonna lose the powers I didn't ask for?"

"Dina, we do this every time" Sceath says, approaching her, "Take the damn implants and make my job a million times easier. When Pieter needs you, you need to be ready"

"What if I don't want to be ready?" Dina remarks. Sceath grabs Dina's arm,

"Hey!" Pg yelled. Sceath turns to look at him, the two have a stare down.

"Sir, I'd suggest you leave and forget about this," said Sceath. Paying no attention to him, Pg turns to address Dina

"Ma'am, are you alright?" he asks

"The door is right there, just leave" Sceath pleads as he draws his claws, "Last chance". Dina begins to try and pry herself from Sceath's grip. Seeing Dina in danger, Pg's gift activates. With no hesitation, Pg rushes Sceath, throwing him across the diner. Now being free, Dina runs into the back. Before Pg could realize what he just did, Sceath begins to approach him

"Okay, t-that was my bad! It looked like you were gonna hurt her-" Before he could finish his sentence, Sceath picks Pg up and slams him into the counter. Sceath wraps his hands around Pg's neck, choking him. The panic causes Pg's arms to glow brighter, giving him the strength to push Sceath off him. Before Sceath could grab him again, Pg delivers a charged punch to Sceath's face, shaking the entire diner. Unphased, Sceath grabs Pg by his shirt and tosses him through the diner and out the window. Lying in the middle of the street, Pg groans to himself and he attempts to get up. His glow fades away; he notices a flash on his watch. He checks it to see he's out of energy, causing him to panic as Sceath slowly approaches.

"All you had to do was leave" Sceath says with a faint growl. Headlights approach the two, Sceath lunges at Pg before a pink smoke-like energy picks him up and throws him down the street. Pg turns to see two people stepping out the car; the girl responsible for throwing Sceath and a guy who runs to confront Sceath. The girl uses her gift to pick Pg up and bring him to her. Meanwhile, the guy takes on Sceath. With the clap of his hands, he clones himself; the clones swarm Sceath. After making sure Pg is unharmed, the girl joins his partner in taking on Sceath. Pg watches in awe as the pair and Sceath fight. Eventually, Sceath gives in and warp jumps away. The pair catch their breath before heading back to Pg, who's still in shock

"Hello Phineas," said the guy as he helps Pg get back to his feet, "I'm Agent Yusuf Ibraham, and this is my partner, Agent Majik Roe"

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