Chaser and a New Genesis

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"2.0's back?!"

"And the flower twerpette, too!"

"Dey made it!"


Gathered on the beach not far from where the fortress came down were Ash, Pikachu, and Team Rocket. All of them looked like they had been through a lot, with their clothes looking scorched in various places, and the Pokémon looking like they had been through a tough battle.

"You guys are safe, too!" Goh said, rushing through the sand to Ash and the others. "Have you seen Danika and Quillon?"

"They're heading to check in with Professor Amaranth," Ash said. It was then that they all turned to notice the floating Mythical Pokémon nearby.

"Goh..! Is that...!"

He laughed. "Remember that Porygon?" Goh asked. "Seems that Mew was doing a bit of undercover work!"


"I thought I recognized 'em!" Meowth said. "I'd never forget a face like that in any of my nine lives!"

"Who'd have thunk it?" Jessie asked.

"Certainly not me," James added.

"Not to take away from this," Chloe said, "but can someone explain what's going on with the vibrating fortress?"

"If it's the weapon," Ash explained, "then we busted it up. It shouldn't be working anymore now."

"That gun is gone," Meowth quipped.

Goh blinked. "Wait... but then how is it going to expel all that excess energy that it's built up?"

He saw everyone's faces pale as they thought about the obvious outcome.

"It's simple," came a voice from the fortress. "It will explode!"

Lawrence stood in the hole that Mew made, cackling mad.

"You!" Ash shouted.

Team Rocket did a double take. "The Lugia guy?!"


"Since you all have done such a great job in ruining everything," Lawrence said, "the machine's overloading, and without a safe way to release the energy, it's going to explode everywhere!"

Goh felt his blood turn ice-cold.


"There's no way you'll be able to escape," Lawrence gloated. "This is the power to wipe out an entire city, and that's more than enough to erase this entire puny island from the face of the map!"

Chloe fell to her knees in the sand. "N-No...! W-We're...!"

While she couldn't get the words out, Team Rocket all began hugging each other tightly and screamed out their thoughts bluntly.

"We're all gonna die!"

Ash stepped forward, pulling on his cap. "We're not givin' up, right Goh?"

Goh saw the resolve in his friend's eyes and nodded. "Right. There's got to be a way out of this situation. No matter what, we've got to try!"

"B-But what?!" Chloe asked. "What can we do?"


Mew floated down towards Goh and tapped their small paw against his hand. Goh blinked and looked in his hand, and in it he saw the pink crystal with the swirl shape in it.

Chaser and the Faraway IslandWhere stories live. Discover now