Chapter 4, Mary's Pov

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We went to the skating rink, and it was really fun. Rose didn't know how to skate, so I showed her, and she was so pretty skating.veronica and Axel left early because they had a big test tomorrow. Rose and I stayed like 30 minutes after they left, it was kinda awkward, but then we just played games and of course I won. I know Rose started to get suspicious that how I have all of these games and the type of clothing I wear if I was a princess. I just kept saying random stuff, but I was running out of ideas, so tomorrow after school I'm gonna get clothes that are more royal like. I'm hoping I can hide that I'm not an actual princess, just really smart. Rose and I went home and watched one of the animes she bought and then we made a dessert called Cheesecake Bowl. Cheesecake Bowl is cheesecake with some strawberries and blueberries on top in a waffle cone with strawberry sauce drizzled over the top. It is my favorite dessert of all time! After we are all the dessert and watched the anime, we decided to go to bed.

Next morning

It was morning and I was getting ready for school, when I heard Rose scream.

Mary-what's wrong!!!

Rose-my mother is coming to visit and she can't know about this stuff!!!

Mary- why not? It's just anime and posters and some video games

Rose- exactly, it's unprofessional to have this stuff, I should be studying, not playing games

Mary-that's stupid

Rose-I know, what am I gonna do!?!

Mary- wait! What if we put all the games and anime in a box I have under my bed and the posters we can hide them with one of those ugly pictures you have of ancient people, no offense.

Rose- nun taken, and that's a great idea, but what about the LED lights?

Mary-oh right, um, I guess you can say that they came with the room and turn them of

Rose- ok, she is coming right after school so we have to figure out when to do this

Mary- I have Ac prep for 2nd period, so I can do that quick

Rose-ok then I have Ac prep for 5th period so I will just finish

Mary-ok, also will I have to meet her?

Rose-yeah, sorry

Mary- it's ok

I kinda want to meet her Rose's mom AKA the queen of London! I do have a problem thought. I was gonna go shopping after school to buy clothing, so now what am I gonna do? I guess I have to skip a class or lunch. I guess I can just get lunch while I'm out. School started and it was so boring. In my first class I learned economics and how to be equal and do what's best for your country, blah, blah,blah. Then I went to my dorm because I had Ac prep and hid the stuff. I still had like 30 min to spare, so I decided to do some shopping. I didn't know what type of clothing to get, so I got the most basic plain dress and skirt outfits to look like a princess. I was running out of money, so I had to find a job, but keep it a secret. I only had 10 minutes left, so I decided to go back to the dorm and put the clothes in my closet.
    I was gonna go job searching after the queen left because I know Rose had violin practice. I feel bad for Rose because she can't be who she wants to be. Rose violin and dancing classes, she also has to read book that are literally bigger than the bible, almost as big as a Harry Potter book. I see she hates it, but I can't do anything because it's her duty as a princess. I know what makes her happy, she like going out and having fun, and playing games. Rose also likes watching anime and cooking. At first I thought Rose was annoying, but now she isn't. She is funny and cool, and I love spending time with her! I also love her smile, it's like a 5 year old when they get a toy they have been wanting for awhile. It was time to get back to school and learn stupid stuff. The only class I enjoy taking is the art class. You get to do photography, sculptures, and other stuff to. I don't have that class u till 6th period, do I still had awhile. I didn't know what to do because I was dying of boredom, so I decided to text Rose.



Mary- whatcha doing?

Rose-Learning stupid stuff

Mary-like what?

Rose- like how to write because I have to write fancy

Mary- they have a class for that?

Rose-yeah and it's stupid

Mary-sound stupid, anywho, do you want to go to this new coffee shop with me?

Rose- sure

Mary- ok, see you at lunch

Rose- see you at lunch

I cant wait for lunch now because I have been waiting to go for so long! Now I can go with Rose. I hope she likes the place.

Lunch time

It was lunch time and Rose and I went to this place and the food was really good. Their Expressos are really good to. Rose got foam on her and she looked funny.

Rose- what?

Mary-you got foam above your lip (laughing)

Rose-oh, where

Mary- here, let me get it

Rose-(flustered) oh ok

Mary-there you go

We looked at each other for a good 10 seconds, and it was weird. I got this random feeling in my stomach, like it tickled. I didn't know if that was a good thing or not, I don't think I liked the feeling, I don't know. It felt good to, like I felt happy. I pushed that away and said I have to go. I felt bad, but I had to do that feeling could go away. It was end of school, and I was dreading it because I was gonna meet the queen of London! Rose and I got to the dorm, and there she was, the queen.

Rose-hello, mother

Queen grace- hello, daughter

1194 words, I don't know if the stories are getting shorter or long. Sorry if this is really bad, I had writers block so I had to try my best and coming up with something. We finally get to meet another character! I know the old queen of London name wasn't grace, but I thought to change it up. I will try to keep you guys posted and post any time I can. I am gonna write another thing it will just be on the side and it isn't a story, it's poems. The poems aren't that great, but I just got into it so it will get much better later in my writing journey. Well I hope you all had a wonderful day/night and see you guys next week. Byeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2023 ⏰

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