...it's just the start

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Tanjiro Kamado pov
" Nii-chan let us go with you!" " I'm sorry but I won't be able to carry you guys when you get tired" " But-" "No but your big brother is going downtown and that's a long walk" my mother walked up to me "Please try to make it home before dark" I smiled at her " I'll try love you mom" " your leaving already?" " Yeah, I'm going to get a head start when I can" "OK see you Nii-chan!" All of my siblings ran up to me and hugged me " I love you guys to make sure to get Nezuko back before dark ok?" " Yes nii-chan!"

My mom then whipped off my face" Be safe ok?" " I will love you Mom" I trend around and started walking down the hill, I got to town and started to sell the charcoal and help out around the town

" Your superhuman straight is great for heavy work!" "It is quite helpful to have a good day" " You too kid!" 'That's good all the charcoal is gone but it's already dark...' Tanjiro started to walk up the mountain that leads to his home

"Hey Tanjiro are you going home? You better not it's too dangerous" " I have a great season of smell so I'll be fine!" " I'll let you sleep here for the night come on !" " But-" "No arguing come in... Before the demons show up"

'Demons...?' I slowly walked down to his house and he let me in, Saburo gave me a change of clothes and a hot meal "Thank you Mr.Saburo" I took a drink of my tea "What are demons like?" " There man-eating monsters... Now that I think about it you are a lot like them they have inhuman straight and speed" "... Right?" " Yes but you're different than them you don't look like the one I saw it had gray skin and multiple eye's "

"That's why you shouldn't go out at night They would eat you in seconds... You should sleep now it getting late" " Thank you again!" Mr.Saburo then left and went to a separate room I lay on the mat and fell asleep....

When I woke up my clothes were on the table newly cleaned, I quickly threw them on and grabbed my charcoal basket, and continued home

" Blood... I smell blood!" I dropped my basket with I saw Nezuko holding one of our little brothers's I started breathing heavily, " Nezuko-... You're ice cold..." I could feel tears wellm up in my eyes

' I sorry...I couldn't help you... I should be dead not you..." I grabbed a shovel and dug six holes for them to eternity rest in...I carefully placed all of them in their graves and covered them
'There was another sent here... I will find who did this to you...' I stood up and walked looking for any signs of the demon slayers
I ran upon a mother and her son "Oh my it's getting dark why don't you come inside?" " I'm ok thank you..." I bowed "If you say so... Be careful there have been people going missing!" "Thank you goodbye"

As I continued to walk up the hill I stopped at a tempol, The lights in the tempol were on I assumed that there were people in the tempol, but something didn't feel right...

could smell a strong scent of blood, I flung open the door to the temple to see some finger ripping the flesh off of two human bodies and devouring them

" What the hell this is my turf" " huuh-" "If you break Into my traitor I will kill you...what are you human or...." He then sat up and moved towards me "You look like one but you're not... You're a faker!" He then pushed me and pinned me down

" I'll rip off your head and eat it!" I grabbed my hatch and cut his head clean off "his head rold and stopped at a tree, I pushed his body off of me

" Huu- huu" ' What the hell....' "You little brat I fucking rip your head off your body and feed it to my lord!" His body then pushed me to the ground and started to scratch the skin on my neck

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