mom im gonna go now byeee!
"okay bye stay safe!"
"fast forward sunoo is now at school, his bestfriend daniel and hanbin
ran to sunoo"
"sunoo-Ya hanbin shouted"
"yoi hanbin lower your voice some students are studying Daniel said scolding hanbin" "yeah yeah hanbin said not even caring about Daniels scolding" "hey guys arent you guys happy a brand new day brand new lessons and everything to start off? Sunoo said to the two Infront of her" " nah it's just another weekend like can't we have 5 days of day off and 2 days of school?" Hanbin if we get 2 days of school how are we supposed to learn that much and if 5 days off of school were never gonna learn anything were just gonna lay in bed playing games and it's very boring just staying inside atleast at our school we can explore learn and have fun" I agree with Daniel, oh guys the bells ringing I gotta go to class now"okay bye sunoo-Ya!" The three separated hanbin and Daniel in class C-3 while sunoo went to class A-1""sigh" im gonna be late i need to walk faster
sunoo was walking while reading a book so she didn't see the 6 boys walking infront of her
Sunoo then bumped into a tall boy he had white hair and a mole near his nose his facial expression were very cold like ice staring at her blankly While sunoo looked at the other 5 the one with a cat face was just staring at her and the other 4 were just looking at her"Oh my I'm so sorry I didn't notice you guys I'm very sorry" sunoo said bowing to them trying to be polite " I'm so sorry again" sunoo said walking away embarrassed of what had happened
Valerie the vice president walked to sunoo " uhm sunoo are you okay? You look like a tomato"
"Heh!? Eekkk" sunoo said turning even more redder covering her face"Uh oki... Oh my before I forget the teacher from B-1 said you have to tour the new guys around since their Hailey/president and Keith/vice president are absent, and btw I bet they are drunk and have a hang over"
"Oh okay I will after class, your so nosy Valerie" I said smiling at her while she smiled at me and went to her seat, Valerie is a very nosy person even if you don't tell her what had happen she always will know, but even tho she's like that she is still bright and a kind girl, but there is a secret she had told me once that I never knew she had.
"4 minutes had pass"
"sunoos phone ringed, and its her teacher maam rina, sunoo answers."
"sunoo you have to take care of section b-1 as a council president and president of the class I highly believe you can take care of your classmates and the other section"
"okay maam I understood"
"yep ill count on you Kim sunoo"
"okay ma'am I'm on my way to finish that duty"
okay Valerie take care of our classmates I have to do something and Celestine/secretary if anyone's noisy write them on the board okay?"
"Okay sunoo me and Celestine will make you proud"
"That's what I would like to hear now I gotta go bye"
"Bye sunoo!"
"sunoo goes to the section B-1's room, and goes infront of the class"
"okay i need everyone to be quiet im the president from section A and the teachers trusted me to watch you guys until their meeting is done"
"Okay" the entire class said
5 minutes passed and sunoo saw the class was bored so she asked permissions from the teacher if she can teach the class and the teacher said yes proudly "okay class since I think you guys are bored, how about let's play a game?, So you may ask what game sunoo?, Let's play spelling game""So let's start so can anyone spell hippopotamus?"
Jungwon raised his hand very fast "okay you"
"It's H-I-P-P-O-P-O-T-A-M-U-S" jungwon said proudly" okay great job next hm can anyone spell Mississippi?"
heeseung raised his hand fast and with confidence
"it's M.I.S.S.I.S.S.I.P.P.I"
"Wow amazing how about Onomatopoeia?" Jay raise a hand confidently "okay you" "O.N.O.M.A.T.O.P.O.E.I.A" "amazing next up is a bit tricky but I know you guys can do it spell Nauseating?"
Two students raised their hands it was jungwon and sunghoon "hmm how about we let the other one spell since you had gotten your turn already, so spell""It's N.A.U.S.E.A.T.I.N.G" sunghoon spelled it very fast without stopping or making any mistakes. " Wow very clean good job!" "Hmm next one is ominous"
Jake raised his hand "okay you" "it's o.m.i.n.o.u.s" I was very proud and kinda amazed since his Australian accent was very good and he was spelling it fast "okay nice, next one is Tantamount"
The student at the last row raised his hand " okay niki spell"
"T.A.N.T.A.M.O.U.N.T" " good job that was fast!"
So they spelled more and the winners were
6.heeseung(skip until end of class)
"Okay jungwon, heeseung, sunghoon,jay,Jake,Niki can you all please come with me?"
Your lazy author :) - so sorry but I gotta cut this I'm so tired and sleepy my fingers hurt already so I'm just gonna cut this and I'll do this next time if I have time I'm gonna go just watch K-drama! Bye everyone!!
Thanks for the support!
950 words

Kiroko High (Sunoo X Enhypen)
Romancesunoo was a bubbly kind and was a sunshine to everyone she was always smiling and strict and she well known as the smartest In Kiroko High but there was a secret she kept from everyone and she letted that pressure her and when she met the 6 boys her...