The love of a father

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I remember... What a beautiful, sunny day it was. I had just gotten a promotion for my job, and I had finally, after such a long, back breaking time, saved some money to spend all on my wife... and my perfect daughter.

You see, my love them is way more than anyone could imagine. I could spoil them, pamper them all more than what they'd need, but it still isn't enough for me. They are my only family and I have no other shelter except them. I love them, I need them.

I had just gotten off the train, humming with happiness, on my way to tell my dear family the news of my promotion. The sunset sun glowed orange and bathed everything in its blissful light. Ah~ Life couldn't be any more perfect..!

Still humming my favourite song from work, I passed in front of the abandoned alley, barely noticing the hooded figure leaning against the alley wall. Just as I crossed the narrow path, the hooded man, slightly taller than me appeared in front of me, blocking my path.

"Mr. Kokorogi, is it?"

His height and stance made me think that it was a grown man either kidnapping me or stealing my wallet and phone. But no, apparently his voice sounded no more than a middle schooler.

"Y-yeah, it's me." I answered nervously, tightening my grip on my briefcase, in fear that I might still get my stuff snatched.

The hooded figure chuckled nervously and shook his hands before me. "Oh no, I'm not trying to be a threat, Mr. Kokorogi!"

With a swish, he took of his hood, revealing an innocent, smiling face. Seeing his face alone calmed me down a lot. What's this..? I'm sure I sensed hostile intent. I shook my head free of my thoughts and turned my attention to him, who was bobbing his head from side to side with his hands in his pockets, smiling like an innocent child.

"So, what did you stop me for?" I asked him, calm but strict.

The middle schooler tilted his head and smiled a little, pointing to his chest, where a badge was pinned. "I'm Katagiri Yuuichi, the main host of the game 'Guilty Truth or Dare'!"

I cross  my arms and raise an eyesbrow. "I didn't participate in whatever you're tryna put me in."

Katagiri rubbed his nape and chuckled. "The request was submitted by a person named Kokorogi Yutori, sir!"

"My lovely daughter, huh." I look at him and mutter under my breath. "She does make me participate in various things afterall..." I raise an eyebrow.  "Well? What do I get in return?"

"20 million yen cash money!" Katagiri exclaimed, one of his hands behind his back like a butler. "And just in case, if you lose, there'll be a tiny little punishment," he placed a finger on his lips with a smile and bent down a bit so his and my face were on the same level. "but we'll let you know once we get at the gaming arena~!"

He straightened back up again. "But it is hardly possible for such an intelligent person like you to lose, and nine out of ten people easily win their 20 million with our game!"

I place a finger on my chin. Well, this gentleman looks well dressed and I do need that money to go on the trip to Hawaii me and my family has always dreamed about. I WILL win this! With the determination in my clenched fist, I nod.

"I've decided to play your game!" I say with a determined smirk. "And I am taking that 20 million home, ya hear me?"

"Of course sir!" Katagiri said with a close-eyed smile. "Sign this agreement form and you'll be enjoying yourself more than you have ever~!"


My eyes widen as I get to the place behind the boy. I was expecting something more like a gaming arena... But where am I? This isn't a gaming arena... It's an abandoned arcade from the 1990s...! Drops of sweat form on my forehead as Katagiri sits in his assigned seat.

"O-oi..." I call out to him as he turns his attention to me. "Something's fishy here..." I still stand up, refusing to sit down.

Katagiri looks at me with a smirk as I freeze in fear. Why is the room's atmosphere suddenly so... threatening??? Without another word, I march towards the exit as Katagiri calls from behind me in a chuckling, mocking voice.

"Oh..? Took you long enough to realize, Mr. Gullible~! Too bad, you're stuck here until you get those 20 million yen of yours!" 

Upon hearing his, I furiously try and shake open the door but the cracks in the door tell me the they had been... chained... from the outside. I turn around furiously.

"So you aren't alone in this?!" I exclaim in anger as Katagiri throws his head back and laughs.

"What?" He asks me mockingly, wiping a tear from his eye. "Proper games always require more than one person, Mr. Kokorogi~! You should know that by now, no?"

Ok shit. His provocative tone is really getting to me. I need to do something. Soon. I spot Katagiri pick up a tablet from the table and turn it on. Blue light falls on his face in the dark. For a moment, his eyes linger on the screen for a brief moment before he turns the tablet towards me with a sickening, sadistic grin.

I take the tablet from his hands and my mouth drops open in horror the moment I lay my gaze on the screen.

"WHAT IS THIS?!" I shout while Katagiri lays back in his chair, sniggering at my state.

"Your family~" He says in a cocky yet menacing way. "What, didn't recognize them?" He scoffs, clearly making fun of me. "They look so beautiful sleeping like that, don't they?"

In horror I turn my gaze to the screen again. I see Yutori and my wife from a CCTV camera, unconsious on the floor... While... A masked figure stands over them, a knife in their hand...

"Oh, are you disturbed, Mr. Kokorogi?" He leans forward, his menacing aura never faltering. "Refuse to play this game and the two of them shall be past tense right before your own eyes~"

Why... Why is this middle schooler taking this much pleasure seeing my pitiable state... It's almost if... He isn't a middle schooler at all...

"Don't dare do anything to them! I'll call the police right now!" I take my phone out of my pocket and upon turning it on, my face drops in pure terror.

"Don't tell me you thought I didn't saw that coming!" Katagiri throws his head back and laughs a revolting laugh. "The signals are none to zero in this area! I arranged it just for you!" His face twists into a devilish grin straight from hell.

After a moment of silence, he speaks in a much more softer tone, one which was totally different from his demeanor a moment ago. I look up to him from my phone, my forehead lined with concern and fear.

"It's pointless resisting against me, Mr. Kokorogi..." He smiles lightly to me. "I guess it is your karma for what you did..."

With a chuckle, one which sounded hurt, he spoke again, his confident persona overlapping him again. He threw his arms out to the sides and shouted, "Let the games begin!"


Ily y'all
Ty for reading this cringe shiz
Constructive critism is most welcome since it's my first time writing first person narration ^^''

𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 // yuuichi X fem reader //Where stories live. Discover now