𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏 - 𝐌𝐫. 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢

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Third Person POV:

Everytime Jet learned something else horrible about Dao's past, he wanted to make whoever had hurt the young boy pay. Dao was one of the sweetest kids he'd ever met despite the horrible things that had happened to him. If Dao had been this sweet after being dropped alone in the woods, he couldn't imagine Dao before all that. He couldn't believe there was someone out there that saw this kind, soft hearted, kid and wanted to hurt him. 

If Jet ever met the person who'd done this, he'd make sure they suffered a greater pain than the one they'd inflicted onto Dao.

However it seemed Jet's murder plans would have to wait.

The sun had set when the guards dished out bowls of food for all the people on the ferry. The problem was that most of the food in the bowls was rotten. Even Dao's little dragon buddy didn't want any of it and he ate practically anything.

They had to do something, but they weren't exactly sure of what.

At least not until they heard one of the guards talking about the stash of food up in the kitchen left just for the Captain. It only took a couple moments for Longshot and Smellerbee to understand what he was wanting to do.

When the people on the ship went to sleep and the guards got lazy with their duties, the Freedom Fighters slipped into the kitchen- which was indeed loaded with all kinds of fresh food. Longshot kept watch while 'Bee, Dao, and Jet silently loaded up sacks with enough food to distribute to all the passengers on the lower deck. 

They left just as silently as they had entered, returning to their previous bench now laden with food for the hungry passengers. After waking everyone, the food was passed out to everyone, who was told to keep quiet so as to not alert the guards that were lurking on the upper deck. 

It was only after they'd eaten their own meal that Dao noticed that Druk was missing. Jet didn't need to tell Longshot to stay with Dao, he was already pulling the second youngest Freedom Fighter into his side, motioning for Jet to search one area of the deck and for 'Bee to search the other side. 

It didn't take long for Jet to find the little dragon. He was happily accepting some bread roll chunks from an old man. 

The old man noticed Jet's approach. "It appears my little friend that it's time for you to return to your family." Druk story growled at him before sitting himself on Jet's boot. "You should keep a closer eye on your pets, the guards don't seem to be very fond of animals."

Jet leaned down to pick up Nookie before she got tied up in his laces again. "Yeah well, my brother doesn't go anywhere without him, so we were willing to take the risk. Thanks for not letting her fall overboard, mister..."

"Mushi," he supplied. "It's no problem. I would hate for your brother to lose his little friend."

Jet left the old man in peace and returned to Longshot and Dao, who happily jumped up at the sight of Druk in Jet's arms. Jet passed the dragon into Dao's arms. At least with Druk, Dao seemed to be a bit calmer on the ferry as opposed to thinking about the awfulness he'd gone through on a boat the first time.

Dao and the Freedom FightersWhere stories live. Discover now