Not wanted guest & depression

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Eomma pov

I just got a call from my some friends they wanted to meet y/n and her soon to be child but when i told them i broke down and they gave me sympathy ... today we are going to meet y/n and bts ..

End of pov

Y/n pov

Again a new morning and new story (slightly smile) i did my morning routine and my eyes went to a baby picture that makes me emotional... but i controlled myself ...

End of the pov

A/n pov

When y/n went downstairs she saw eomma and some others ladies were sitting with bts

Y/n -: A-annyeonghaseyo!!

Eomma -: Aa my child come here !!
                  Ladies see ; she is my daughter       
                   In law ..
Lady1 -: so pretty !! Mrs kim you are really lucky to have this daughter ..

Lady2 -: yahh but i feel really pity on you and-

Lady3 -: (cuts her off) yahh she mean anything happens to be good (jo hota hai ache ke liye hota hai )

Lady4 -: yeah !!

And they started their discussion which made bts pissed and y/n more sad and angry they started talking bad abt their baby like his luck was not with them...

Y/n are now really pissed she signalled to eomma that what they are talking ?!!!
Eomma said sorry by expression she also tried to change topic but nothing helped !!

Time skip (its being 1/2 hr)

But ladies are still gossiping to each other

And y/n is controlling herself very much

And then 1lady something like that which y/n loose her patience..

Y/n -: ENOUGH!!!!!!!

she yelled which made everyone flinch

Y/n -: enough means enough you all are our guest since the morning the morning I 'm bearing your shits thought that now you will stop but you *chuckled* anyways you feel pity on me that lost my baby let me tell you there are many women who lost their babies I'm not the only one you l-lost its being 3 days I'm trying to calm myself and trying to forget what happens but you you all are really fucking serious the women who just in depression from 3 days not able  forget what happened but you !!!

Y/n took the pause

Y/n -: (teary and red eyes) I am threatening you if you again utter a single word then (hold the gun ) this gun and your death ... and I always do what I said !!  Mark my words in your fucking mind and get out from my house RIGHT NOW !!

Ladies got scared they quickly stand up and went from their ..

As the ladies left from there... y/n ran to her room 

Behind her eomma also went ..

Their bts also broke down in tears seeing your conditions ..

Play the song -: Khamoshiyan from Arijit singh]

Y/n looked the window and started crying

Eomma came inside the room..

Eomma -: I'm really sorry dear for what my friends said to you ..

Y/n didn't respond just hugged her tightly..

She started crying to hard that bts can able to listen her sobs .. she become too weak while crying then too she is crying ...

Y/n -: eomma .. (sobs) they a-are r-yt though !! I also think that in my f-f-fate baby is n-not t-there (sobbed hard)

Eomma -: (tearing up) no my child its not like that  ..

Y/n -: its only like that e-eomma .. HE LEFT ME ... (yelled and broke down )
*while seeing the ultrasound * ARE YOU HAPPY NOW HUH ?? WHY YOU LEFT US ? EVERYONE WAS SOO HAPPY Y-YOUR DADS WERE HAPPY NOT FOR ME BUT ..(sobbed) FOR T-T-THEM ..(felled down on the knees) started crying very hard ...

BTS  -: (ran to room) seeing eomma was crying on the bed and y/n broke down very hard sitting on the floor while holding X-rays ...

Jin , rm , jk , v ran to eomma

And suga , jimin , jhope ran to y/n

Y/n was crying to hard jimin wipe her tears but tears were coming again again ..

Y/n -: (while toching the stomach) B-BTS why ? Why ? Just why he left us ?? Didn't i give him a love that he deserves!! Huh!!

Suga-: its not like that (crying)

Y/n -: then what ?? I was too happy I just wanna die know he left his mother what i will do know??

Bts -: Nooo don't think like that y/nahh (crying hard)

Eomma -: y/n get up come to me p-please

Y/n (went to eomma )made her lay down on her lap and tap her head .. told her to sleep

Y/n -: (hugging her stomach) eomma *sobbed* (for crying 2 hrs straight ) she finally slept

Bts also slept while crying

Eomma -: ohh god why is this happening to my children only ! (While caressing their heads )

She also slept ...

Mid night

Y/n woke up bcoz she was thirsty she saw everyone was sleeping not wanting to disturb anyone's sleep she get up from their and she saw bts 's dried tears which made her heart ached ... she drank the water and went to balcony .. starts staring the moon .. it was too beautiful...
No clouds just a moon with  shinning stars ..
Her eyes were puffy and red , her eyes again get watery her eyes again starts glistening soon a tear left from her eyes but she quickly wipped it ..

Y/n -: who ever did this it gonna pay hard !! (Bitter dark smirk appeared on her face) saying that she again went to  sleep ..

To be continued..


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