25 - Hell

80 4 46

⚠️: SA
(sexual abuse)

This chapter contains SA, so if you're uncomfortable with reading that I'd recommend you to only read till "-----a few minutes earlier-----", a lighter summary of what happened will be at the bottom of this chapter! Stay save and please talk to someone if you ever experienced SA!

Again, stay save y'all! ily 💜


"Did you find him?!", Ryujin's worried voice shouted over their headphones, reaching Chan who still sat in their van. The elder was stressed and his hands ran over his laptop with the speed of light, trying to track Jisung.

But with no success. His map stayed blank, without a red dot. Chan got more anxious with every second passing by, where the fuck did they bring Jisung? And who dared to kidnap their leader?

Well they had a guess but couldn't be sure. It could either be Mirella... or Lyra. Both options being horrible cause their leader was definitely not in his best state of health. So he could give in quicker than usually.

"Chan!", Ryujin nearly screamed through the earpiece, jumping the said elder out of his thoughts, "Did. You. Find. Him?", she asked once again but Chan stayed silent. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for what was sure to some. And with a sigh he told the worried girlfriend of their missing leader,

"No Ryujin I didn't. His tracker is nowhere near our city. Not in the next 100 hundred miles. And I'm sadly not able to track further away from that with this laptop, I'd need my whole set up for that.", he admitted, sighing while his worry went beyond the roof.

The woman stayed scarily silent, Chan closed his eyes, exhaling a shaky breath. "Chan? I'm done here, I'm coming outside.", the surprisingly calm voice of Hyunjin informed the other two and the elder sighed in relief, already feeling a bit calmer.

And within the next few seconds Hyunjin knocked on the van doors which Chan of course opened. The elder was taken by surprise as he felt Hyunjin taking him into a warm and tight hug, "It'll be okay.", he whispered, comforting the smaller.

Chan let go of a breath he didn't knew he was holding and nodded, trying his best to stay calm. "He's strong and fearless, he'll make it out of wherever he is, I'm sure about that.", Hyunjin continued to comfort the still lightly shaking Chan.

"And we wont give up this easily either.", the blonde added, indicating to let Chan go but the elder just hugged him closer, burying his head into the crook of Hyunjin's neck, "I'm worried.", he admitted and the taller nodded, "I'm too."

Chan then slowly let go of Hyunjin, both going inside of the van again. "I'm like 95% sure that Lyra got him.", Chan admitted, "And to be really honest I wished that Mirella has him instead. We know more about them than about Lyra, it would be easier."

"I have an idea.", Ryujin suddenly stated victoriously right next to them, making both jump up, they didn't hear her coming at all. "God Ryujin you scared me!", Hyunjin nervously chuckled before he got serious again, "Tell us about that idea."

------- a few minutes earlier --------

(SA warning!)

"Chan? Couldn't you track him?", a woman's voice echoed over the earpiece of Jisung who still laid in the back of Tae's car, unconscious. But the elder heard what the brunette's friends were talking and panicked. He pulled over, stopped the car, went into the back to Jisung and searched for his earpiece. Only to deactivate its tracker immediately.

He sighed in relief, smiling to himself. His gaze then fell onto Jisung who laid right in front of him. His face was so close that Tae could see how perfect it was, from his thick eyebrows to his cute nose and puffy cheeks. His features looked so soft. Especially his lips.

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