One - The Video

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(Jessie's P.O.V.)

                            "I get to drive this!?!" I squealed as I arrived to a pink, vintage car.

We were on the set of our new music video, Bang Bang, and were going over everything. Ariana was somewhere on the set, and Nicki was getting her make-up done. I was so overjoyed to be working with women like them, so powerful and just beyond gorgeous. I bet I look so plain compared to them. Other than the fact that I'm wayyy taller than them, and "sports long legs".

"Yep," the director confirmed. "You'll drive it to this spot, get out, take off the headphones, and there." He motioned to the spots.

"Oh, okay. Then I start to sing, right?" I asked as somebody passed me sunglasses to wear.

"Exactly. Now get in and drive."

I slid on the glasses and hopped inside. It was comfy inside, especially on a hot day like this.

America is such an amazing place, I've absolutely loved it ever since I got here. My career is sky-high, and I'm just so giddy. Working with Ariana and Nicki was awesome, and I've been so grateful that they were on the track. The single's a hit, and every hit needs a video.

After filming my part, stopping and redoing a couple of parts, and having to start all over twice, I was on break. So, I decided to watch Ariana's part being filmed. She was so adorable and so beautiful while she did her thing. How can she dance like that in them heels?

"God, Jessie! Such a stalker!" Ariana joked as they had to stop to fix a prop.

"What? I'm just observing." I held my hands up in defense.

She shook her head while smiling. "Sure. Don't you have an outfit to change into?"

"Oh, snap! You're right! Stalk you later!"

As I ran to my dressingroom, Ariana shouted, "I knew it! I told you!"


At the end of the day, Nicki was ready and shot her part flawlessly. We've just finished the ending and were in my dressingroom, since it's oddly the biggest. We were all in our last outfits of the day, and sweating like pigs from how hot it was outside.

"Sorry, girls. But, I have to go," Nicki apologized, putting a leather jacket on over costume.

"Awwww, bye Nicks," I said, giving her a cute nickname.

She smiled at me, exposing her dimples which were so adorable. I've always had just a small crush on Nicki. I mean, look at her! She has an outrageous body, the cutest smile, and everybody loves her to death. On every song, nowadays, she's up there somehow. People would love to be her, I bet.

"That sucks. I thought we could all hang out afterwards," Ariana pouted.

Nicki shrugged. "I got another video to do. But, we'll catch up. Promise. Now, give Mama a hug."

Ariana hugged Nicki, then turned to get on her phone. When I hugged her, she held my hand also, which felt a bit weird. Until I realized she had slipped something in it. Pulling away, I looked down at the piece of paper in my hand, then glanced back at her.

Sending me a wink, she announced her good-byes and farewells, promising she'll spend time with us. I shook my head with a smile before unfolding what she left me.

Call me whenever <3


Below was her phone number, and my heart lept. An idiotic smile came across my face as I refolded it and tossed it in my bag.

"Hey, want to go out for dinner?" Ariana asked, dropping her phone in her purse.

"Sure, why not? Where?"

She shrugged before disappearing into the bathroom. "Wherever you like."

"How about my house? I'm a little tired from today," I explained.

It was true. I was exhausted from the heat today brung, changing into two other costumes, and dancing most of the time. Videos are very tiring.

"Oh, no worries! How about tomorrow night? Maybe Nicki could come then?" She suggested.

"Oh. Yeah, that can work."


I shook my head as I changed into normal clothes. Her spirit was so cute and easygoing.

Ariana appeared in a jacket and shorts. She flashed me a smile as I buttoned my pants. Kind of awkward to be seen changing, but I guess she didn't mind. "Just text me, 'kay?"

"Yeah. Annnnd, where did you get them clothes from?"

"You! Thanks, Jess!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and scurried out the door.

That's Ari for you. But, I didn't mind her taking my clothes. She looked really good in them. Better than me, anyways.

After gathering my things, I left the trailer myself, closing the door.

Two Shades of Jess [Jessie J, Ariana G., Nicki M.] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now