The tournament begins

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Y/n's pov

Y/n: okay as you know the vytal festival is starting tommorow alongside the tournament beginning I believe we need to train more.

Falcon: didn't we already train our selfs for the tournament?

Y/n: while yes trained before we went on the mission we only trained our teamwork and even then we haven't fully completed that, but I'm talking about individual training for each of us, which is why I have devised a training regimen for each of us, Rex you need to work on your control of your flames as currently you can only control the orange one right try working on controlling other colors, falcon we need to train you to access your Semblance as you can't really control it properly, larry we mostly just need to work on your combat as so far in melee your rely mostly on brute force and while yes it works well against ursai and beowolves it won't work on everything so need to improve your potential and as for me I need to work on my stamina so do we agree?

Falcon: su-su-sure.

Larry: I'm in.

Rex: *nods*

Y/n: okay so Larry you'll be in combat with Luna since she has the closet combat style to you, falcon you'll be working with Dalia to control your Semblance since you both have time Semblances and Rex you'll be working with me and Flannery to get better control of your flames.

Falcon: wait so how will this work

Y/n: okay now Larry you'll start your training in the afternoon, Rex you'll be working in the early hours of the morning and falcon you'll be training at noon and in order to make sure none of us get to seriously injured I'll have millia on speed dial she'll also be here for most of Larry's training. Now Larry you and falcon can go because I'll be working with Rex for now.

Larry: so babe want to go on a date while we wait?

Falcon: of course.

Y/n: okay now what type of flame should we work for? What do you want to be able to do with your flames?

Rex: I don't know actually I do my mom has a somewhat similar Semblance to mine and she wrote a book for me to use if I ever did want to learn more on how to use my Semblance properly, let me just go grab it but you can't read it I don't cause it is mine.

Y/n: that's fine just hurry up dude we don't have all day.

Rex: OK I got it here it is black flames control the ability to hypnosis people as well as see their weak points.

Y/n: that will be helpful for the vytal festival okay so how do you control it?

Rex: okay it says here we need to *whisper* *whisper*

Y/n: ah okay lets get started! Okay Rex activate and unleash your aura and start conjuring your flames and imagine it and a orb of clay in the palm of your hand and start kneading it till it takes shape and unleash it!

Rex's flame briefly flashes black for a second then flickers back to normal

Flannery: you're getting the hang of it but you need to control it better and start believing in yourself more otherwise it will never work.

Rex: right.

Rex closes his eyes and starts to unleash his aura again to try and control his flames this time his flame flickers black and starts growing but after a minute it reverts to normal

Flannery: you're doing great man, just try it a few more times and your sure to master it.

Y/n: okay continue trying now I gotta start trying with falcon soon

The Broken Hero :Rwby harem x Autistic male readerWhere stories live. Discover now