Chapter 26

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Denver's POV

I reach Joseph's house quicker than I expected, and I punch the gate to let him know that I came here.

It takes a few minutes, but soon Joseph comes out of the door, and he smiles at me.

"Did you sneak out?" He asks.

"Not really, papa said that I can come here to rest, since it's very loud at the house." I explain, and he nods.

"Alright then, come inside." He says as he opens the gate with the key that still rests in the keyhole.

"So, you're a good liar." He tells me.

"Actually, I really started to feel sick when I was on my way home." I tell him, and he looks at me with a worried expression.

"You did?" He asks, arching his eyebrow.

"Yes, but let's talk about it inside." I say, and he agrees, so we go inside, and we sit in the living room, where my laptop lays open.

Joseph closes it, and he moves it to the edge of the table, before he sits on the coach, and he look at me for explanation.

I sit next to him with a tired sigh, and he pulls me closer to hug me.

"I was throwing up, and when I entered my house, papa said that I don't look very well, and he told me to go to the Doctor, so I went there." I tell him.

"And the Doctor said that you're pregnant?" He asks, and my eyes widen.

"How did you know? Even I didn't know that I can carry a kid." I ask him, stunned.

"Carter told me to make you check if you have a womb, didn't he tell you that you might have it?" He asks.

"I don't think so, or maybe I didn't listen when he did." I say with a shrug. "But don't tell him that we will have a kid, at least not yet, we will tell my family soon." I tell him.

"I won't." He says.

I then remember that I have the pictures with me, so I take them out, and I give them to Joseph.

He looks at them with a slight smile, before he gives them back to me, so I put them on the table, and I rest against him, before I close my eyes.

The sound of talking wakes me up a few hours later, so I open my eyes to see that I'm in Joseph's room, he probably carried me here after I have fallen asleep.

I decide to see who came here this time, so I get out of the bed, and then down the stairs.

It's quiet, but when I'm in the middle of the stairs, the conversation continues.

"I can't believe it." Papa says, and my eyes widen.

I hope that Joseph didn't tell him that I'm pregnant.

"Well, it is what it is, and I can't say that I'm not happy with it." Joseph says, just as I enter the living room where the two of them are sitting.

They both look at me, and I can see that papa is holding the pictures that I placed on the table.

"I didn't tell him, he came here to check on you, and I forgot to hide the pictures." Joseph explains, and I nod in acknowledgement.

"Goddess, i just hope that you won't have a lot of kids." Papa says, while I sit next to Joseph, so I can cuddle to him.

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