What are we gonna do♡

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Hi🖐 good evening. Oh also harpers got weak heart ( i know she has lots of problems .)

4 hours later.

harpers POV :

I Remember waking up
To tons of people crowding over me
saying things like "shes awake "
I started murmering "griffin "

"griffins "

He ran over .

"hey your gonna be ok."

Pov finished 😂:

half an hour later she was fully awake
And sat up.

"what happened "she asked.

He replied ," Harp you had a fit ."

"oh with all that been happening i forgot to take my medication ."

"oh harp ."

" how long was I out for ."

" 5 and half hours "he sighed .

"griffin ."

"yeah sweetie "

"what are we gonna do ."

"what do you mean "he asked confused .

"griffin I have epilepsy ."


"i cant manege , i have been
In hospital 3 times this mounths , I
Have epilepsy and heart failure .
I dont want my child to through this "
She said starting to cry .

The nurse walked in while she was saying it.

"oh child , even if it does carry to
Your baby it will okay ."said the nurse , " now 3 questions ,
1. How did you develope you condition because we dont have it on
The system 2. How old are you .
3. Sinces your 3 and half mounths pregnant (she prob about a mounth but pretend .) would you to like to know the gender " She asked.

harper nodded

"well for number one
She puased for a secend ."

"do you wont me to say harp ."

She nodded .

He sighed " she got heart failure and
Her epilepsy when she was 3 ."he puased.

"do you know the cuase , take your time " said the nurse .

"it happened when she went on a boat with dad and ........ , it over turned
And ......... They both got pulled under
She made it out but he ......... didn't she was under for about 5 minutes before she got pulled out she was in hospital for week she woke up 4 days later ."he sighed .

"oh iam sorry "

"shes 15 ."

"and harp do wanna know the gender ."he asked.

She slowly lifted her head up a tear slowly forming .

She nodded slowy.

"ok tell us he said ."

Well okay congratulations because you to have are having a very healthy

Cliffhanger 😅

Update next update tomos or Thursday . Please coment if you think
Its gonna be a girl or a boy .♡♡♡🤣🤣🤣thx for reading good afternoon .♡

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