Lydia's life

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"Lydia it's time for school!!" Mom said

"Ok I'm coming," I said

"Your bus is here hurry up before you miss it!" Mom said

"I'm hurrying," I said

I rushed to the bus and made it just in time, today was my first day at school and I was so nervous but so excited! When I got to school the building looked so huge anyone could get lost in there.  I walked to my classroom and everyone stared at me because I was new I'm used to this.

"Class this is Lydia she is new here so please treat her with respect," the teacher said

"Lydia please say some things about yourself for us to get to know you better".

"Ok," I said

"Hi, my name is Lydia and I'm 15, I like to read, write, and do art," I said

"That's very nice Lydia, now please take a seat next to Michael," said the teacher.

I looked over at Michael he had blonde hair and ocean-blue eyes. 

"Alright," I said

The teacher started to talk as I walked over to sit next to Michael, I sat down and Michael stared at me, I raised my hand and asked if I could go to the bathroom, I got up and walked out of the class, I accidentally bumped into a girl we both helped each other up we then talked for a while and then exchanged numbers we were both apparently on our way to the bathroom so we both walked there together after that we became friends, and her name was Hazel.

           2 years later

" Lyida come on what are you doing up there we're going to be late if you don't get down here," Hazel said 

"I'm coming I just lost something," I said

"Was it your phone because I have it with me," Hazel said

"Oh, then never mind I'm coming down now," I said

We heard the bus and we started to run like our lives depended on it.

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