Sweet dreams

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Sampo was lazing around his room for a while before he received a call from Natasha, asking him to come over at the clinic to help her.

The clinic wasn't overflowed with people, she just wanted to move a few things before the next day and as she said sampo "owes her for adding on to her list of people to help at the clinic."

It's not like he brought people over to the clinic often and besides would she rather he left them on the streets?

Wasn't she a doctor? isn't that what doctors do? help people in need of medical attention?

Even so he threw on his usual clothes and walked out of his house making his way down to Natasha's clinic.


When he arrived at the front door of the clinic he noticed that the outside looked a bit more lively than the last time he was there.

A few plants sat next to the door, a new dark black coat painted over the door and a "welcome" sign hanging off of the door.

He knocked twice on the door before Natasha threw open the door and pushed him into the clinic, shutting the door behind them.

He tripped up a bit from the push before standing up and fixing his posture, glaring at Natasha he spoke "so not only did you call me late at night when I should be getting my beauty sleep and tell me to come over to the clinic, but your also pushing poor old sampo around?"

He crossed his arms with a pout on his face before noticing the serious look Natasha had planted on her face.

"Sampo. Look." She pointed at one of the beds at the side that had a person lying in it, her other hand laying on her hip.

Sampo sighed and uncrossed his arms looking disappointed.

"Nat are you okay? lil old sampo over here is pretty sure that people sleeping on clinic beds is normal..?"

Natasha slapped her forehead before grabbing sampos wrist and dragging him over to the side of said bed and yet again pointing to the person.

As he looked closer he slowly started to realise the person in the bed was no other than the Silvermane captain himself! Gepard Landau!

"Woah woah woah, whatishedoinghere!!" sampo whispered in a hushed tone hurriedly pointing towards gepard who was sleeping soundly.

"I don't know! I found him lying around the outsides of the underworld passed out, I had to bring him over here and now my poor back is broken from it, he's way heavier than he looks by the way" Natasha huffed while rubbing her back to add to the dramatics of her statement.

"Okay,okay,okay skip all of that- why would you call me over here! Sampo koski does not have anything to do with this!" He then walked backwards away from the bed before Natasha grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to where he was standing.

"No, nope, nu-uh sampo koski does has something to do with this! He will take care of gepard until he wakes up while I go and gets stuff for the clinic."

Sampo was about to reply to her before she gave him a killer look and he immediately closed his mouth and nodded in agreement. "Okay,okay,okay! No need to get so angry dear friend!"

She let go of his wrist and started to walk away towards the door of the clinic waving her hand at him "alright thank you sampo bye!"

Before he could ask her anything she had already left him, how rude!

He glanced at gepard and went to poke his check to make sure he was asleep before going onwards to Natasha's desk to sit down.

If he was going to be here for awhile why not count his money?

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