Chapter 1

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(This is gonna suck, bear with me -《~Arian☆》)

   A young monster is crouched behind a tree, his eyes trained on his wound. He tries to patch it quickly, wrapping it with the peice of cloth he tore from his own scarf. His tail twitches as he winces in pain, pulling it tight to stop the bleeding. His voice is soft as he curses himself for getting wounded, standing up as his trusty gasterblaster comes to his side.

   "ELM-!" A voice shrieks out. A voice all too familiar to the boy. His head whips around, just in time to see his mentor, Ink, enveloped in a dark, gooey substance.

   Elm's always hated Nightmare since the day he met him. He didn't like how he was. He understood the skeleton's reasoning for doing the things he does, and yet, he didn't at the same time.

   Elm froze, hearing a dark chuckling. He watched as a form looking so much like Ink's rose from the ground, shaking as it laughed.

   Elm wasn't the only one frozen in terror either. Dream had his bow drawn. Blue had his sword held in front of him. Even Nightmare's own henchmen were shocked.

    "Oh wow..! That was so much easier than I thought~!" The being's voice was so familiar, yet different at the same time. It sounded like his mentor and Nightmare has merged. Which, in truth, they did. Once it caught sight of Elm, it smirked. It terrified Elm. What did it want from him? Why was it staring at him like that?

   He wanted to run. He wanted to run and hide. Yet, he couldn't. He was frozen there, gazing into the icy, purple eyes of this- being. Then, as if his body wasn't under his control anymore, he knelt. His hand made its way over his heart as his gaze fell to the ground. He heard gasps and then footsteps approaching.

"Well, would you look at that~? He's knelt down because he knows he can't win anymore. How cute. And pathetic." The being was standing over Elm now. They were so close that he could feel the negativity radiating off them.

   Elm sighed, realizing that they were right.
"Yes sir. That is correct."
  The being scoffed.
"I'd rather you call me Vantablack. Sir is too formal for my taste."
"Yes si- Vantablack."

   "Elm! What are you doing?! Attack him!" Blue's voice rang out, Elm flinching.
"I can't."
Elm's voice was loud, but shakey.
"He's still in there.. I can't.."
Elm closed his eyes, bowing his head.

Vantablack chuckled.
"At least he's loyal. Now, let's go."
Vantablack wraps a tentacle around Elm, snapping his fingers. Blue and Dream yell, running to try and grab Elm. They tried, but it was too late. They were gone.

(Timeskip bc I don't know what to write here. 《~Arian☆》)

{~A Few Years Later~}
   Elm sat in his room now.
   It's been 5 years since the incident occurred. Each day had killed Elm's spirit. Nearly every other week he had to see Blue and Dream again. He wouldn't have minded it if he was still on their side. He wouldn't have minded it if he couldn't see the disappointment in their eyes.
There's no doubt that they saw him as a traitor now.
That didn't bother him anymore.
He'd begun to see them as the same..


   Elm had grown hateful. Ink was still alive. He wasn't himself anymore, but he was still there. How could they just leave him like that? How could they break the oath they had all 4 sworn upon?

   "We'll be together, until the multiverse ends."

   What happened to that? Was it nothing? Elm surely didn't think so. He held that oath close to his heart.
His now cold, hard, stone heart.

However, things were getting worse. Despite being used to the chaos that Vantablack would cause, Elm didn't like it anymore.
He couldn't handle it anymore. It was too much. The screams rung in his ears. He wanted it to stop. He wanted to get away. Elm covered his ears, curling up. Then things went black.

   Elm woke up in his bed to a gentle nudging at his side. He looked over to see Poem, the blaster's gaze soft and worried. Elm smiled softly, resting his hand on Poem's head.
"I'm fine, Poem. I promise. Just, stressed."
Poem squeaks softly, leaning into Elm's touch.
"Let's go see if Killer's made breakfast yet."

   See, Nightmare's gang didn't leave their leader like Blue and Dream had. No, they'd stayed. They had won after all. Not the way they expected, but they'd won; and they weren't going to leave after that.

   Once Elm hit the bottom of the steps, he could smell the sweetness of pancakes. Even if the rest of the universe was hell, he'd always have these pancakes to wake up to; God was he thankful for that. Elm sat down at the table, Poem in his lap.
"Just in time, Elm. I'd just finished the last batch."
Killer set a plate of pancakes in front of Elm, the younger smiling as Killer moved the syrup closer to him as well.
"Thanks, Killer."
Elm was clearly Killer's favorite. The skeleton would always give him extra pancakes, let him pick out movies to watch. Elm would hate to see how Killer would be if he left.

   After eating his pancakes, Elm leaned back in his chair, Poem whisking his empty plate to the sink.
"So, where's Vanta? I haven't seen him all morning."
Killer huffed, about to say something before Cross interrupted him.
"Doing the usual. I don't see why you ask everytime."
Elm's tail flicked as he stuck his tongue out at Cross.
"Because I feel like it."
"Fuck you."
"No you~"
Cross grumbled, leaving the kitchen, Killer giggling as the monochrome skeleton left.
"Why do you always butt heads with him?"
Elm shrugged.
"I dunno. Because it's fun? Anyways, I'm going to take a walk. Call me if you need me."
Elm gets up from his chair, bidding Killer a goodbye before he leaves; Poem squeaking and following him.

   Elm hummed quietly as he walked through the forest outside the castle. He may not like it here, but it sure was peaceful as hell in the mornings.

   Leaving was going to be hard, not that Elm thought it would ever be easy. Sure, he'd planned everything out. After he left, no-one would remember him. It'd make everything easier to do. He had everything planned perfectly. Everything but the portal he'd made in front of himself with Poem's blast. He didn't know exactly where it led, and honestly, he didn't care. He just wanted away from here. The sooner the better. He didn't want to be around when everything comes crashing down due to Vantablack's madness. He hated the thought of leaving his old mentor behind, but it wasn't truly him anymore.

   Elm took a deep breath, gripping his bag tightly as he stepped through.


Okay. I know. That probably sucked. But hey, gotta get through the beginning bits before you can get to the other stuff, right? Anyways! One chapter down. Who knows how many left to go!
Byeeee! And I'll see you next chapter!


Chapter Word Count: 1165 ☆

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