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Name:Koros (Undying) Aku (Demon)



Generation:First Generation (Demon)


Personality: Portrays Toughness of the outside though truly he just want to be harmless and soft.

Powers and abilities:
1)Immense Strength
2)Inhuman Durability
3)Immense Speed
4)Inhuman Reaction
5)Inhuman Agility
7)Demon like appearance

Back story:At a young Age Koros lost his mom due to human combustion, his father who was a fire soldier had to end her life being stained by her blood until he took his life not being able to handle the guilt. After both his parents deaths he was sent to live with his uncle who he hated and who abused him, hitting him and punishing him for the smallest of things. His aunt hurt him mentally never calling him good enough and seeing Koros as only a waste of space.

In school Koros didnt care about his academics or the writings of the holy sol temple as he had lost faith due to his situation. During this time he was feared due to his no nonsense personality and hospitalizing someone who gave him the wrong look being suspended and therefore hit and yelled at more. The more people feared and hurt the deeper he fell into that black abyss with seemingly no hope of escape.

Then one day a rope found itself in that hole as a girl held out her hand to the boy. Koros was at first skeptical but soon started to shed the rough exterior that girl being the first to see him shed a tear before he cried and cried to her. Her father didnt exactly take kindly to the boy who beat someone to a pulp and forbade his daughter from ever seeing him again. She argued and soon was never seen again by Koros who would fall back into that black abyss.

Then at his lowest it happened and the flames of Sol took him in combustion, and with that sparking sense of revenge and his will to live to enact it he became an infernal demon. His uncle who tried to harm him was found dead his arms shattered and his heart ripped out. Meanwhile his aunt was found with her jaw crushed and with her heart also ripped out.

The fire soldiers came to the scene but couldnt find Koros who had found a hiding place beneathe the floor boards. Soon enough he came out and even though he was a demon infernal he looked almost human the only parts that matched an infernal was his large blackened horns and his abyssal black eyes...



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