Autumn illness part 2

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In seconds Sasuke arrived at the scene of the sound, he found broken glass and hot bubbling tea staining the kitchen floor, above it all was Sakura. "Oops, that's not good."

"Sakura what happened!?" Sasuke made his way around the splatted mess, to his girlfriend. Sakura tensed up as she watched Sasuke make his way around. Sasuke questioned how this happened, Sakura said it slipped right out of her hands as she gestured the movement. Sakura jolted on the spot as Sasuke finally reached her, she saw his hands moving from the bottom of her eyes, she didn't know what he was up to, till he zipped up her jacket. She blinked a few times, slowly understanding his small smirk. "For real," Sakura spoke with an annoyed face. "Come on, let's move away from the mess first." Sasuke then took Sakura's hand to lead her away, but as he pulled it, she flinched taking her hand back. Sasuke reacted himself to it and asked her the matter, she revealed her hand to him. They discover her hand was injured from the glass. "When it fell, the glass kinda jumped at me." Her eyes were diverted, looming everywhere but her boyfriend, Sasuke sighed and embraced her in his arms. Luckily her hand wasn't bleeding, so it wasn't a severe injury. "You need to rest and get that fixed, I'll clean up her," Sasuke told Sakura, but she didn't agree to it. "Are you sure Sasuke, I can help you?"

"Go sit yourself down Sakura." The agitated voice from Sasuke made Sakura scared, but she did so. She placed a band-aid on her injury and watched Sasuke clean the broken glass and tea. Once Sasuke was done he joined his girlfriend on the couch, but couldn't get too close since she was constantly coughing. "It sounds worse than before." Sasuke grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around Sakura. "I'm fine Sasuke-kun." Sakura was finally able to speak, she pulled the blanket towards her. Sasuke stayed silent watching his girlfriend, then. He got an idea and stood up. "I'm going out for a bit Sakura." Sakura took a few seconds to understand what he was up to. "Out, now, it will be dark soon." She picked up the blanket and followed her boyfriend to the front door. "It's okay, I should be back by then." Sasuke tied his shoes on and looked towards Sakura. "Where are you going?" Asked Sakura, Sasuke shrugged, he'll tell her after he returns. With it, he kissed her on the forehead and left Sakura in a stunned state.

Time went passed quickly and Sakura decided to wait for Sasuke in bed, but unable to sleep due to her illness increasing. The lights were off and her back bent over with her head in the bed, her coughing took all of her energy. As it eventually ended, she glanced to the opposite side of the king-size bed, Sasuke was still not home. 'Where could he have gone?" Sakura asked herself, the returning cough cut off her thoughts.

After a while the door to the bedroom opens, the lights remained off as Sakura tries visualising the person. They sit on the bed and rub Sakura on the back. "Sasuke, that you?" Her breathless voice calls out, Sasuke hushes her placing his arms underneath her. He wasn't able to pick her up but was able to place her close to him, letting her lean on him. "Sasuke," she called him out again as her warm skin made contact with his skin, fresh from outside. "Sakura, here drink this." He brought a glass towards her, she couldn't see what was inside it but took it anyway. As she gulped down the drink, Sasuke kept one arm around her to support her. Once she was finished Sakura suddenly felt drowsy, her eyelids weighing heavy on her eyes, unable to talk she drifts off to sleep still leaning on Sasuke.

Sasuke smiles. "Guess it did work." he puts her head gently on the pillow as he covers her with the blanket, and joins her. He stares at her sleepy expression as he chuckles to himself.

The next morning, Sakura suddenly wakes up. It was late morning and she still didn't find Sasuke in the room. Without a second wasted Sakura jumped out the bed and got herself changed. As she exited the room and entered the lounge she found her boyfriend sitting and reading a newspaper. "Ah, Sakura your awake." He put the paper down getting up to greet her. "When did you come back?" Asked Sakura, even though slightly confused only remembering what happened before she fell asleep. "You don't remember, I came and gave you that drink last night." You could tell Sakura's light bulb came on, as she nodded her head remembering. "I didn't wake up after that, did I?"

"Nope, you were in a real deep sleep." Sakura chuckled at Sasuke's sentence. "You feeling any better today?" Sasuke then asked, Sakura put a surprised look on her face. "Yes, I feel strangely better, what was in that drink you gave me last night?" A smirk drew on Sasuke's face as he approached her, Sakura almost backed away. "Let's just say, you can thank Tsunade for it" Sakura shot up, "That's where you went!?" Sasuke rolled his eyes and kissed her on the forehead, telling her not to worry. Sakura stood in shock and embarrassment, her apprentice's boyfriend request help. But she was better and that was all that mattered for Sasuke. "You blow me away Sasuke-Kun."

"Hn, what do you want for breakfast?"


Autumn illness SasuSaku (Short story)Where stories live. Discover now