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You let out a soft groan as you regain consciousness, you try and move your body but your hands, knees and ankles were tied together. You try and open your eyes but then feel there's a blindfold on, fucking hell. 

'Wow,' You say sarcastically. 'Such a welcome I've received. Tied together, a blindfold over my eyes, and no clue where I am. Terrific.' You get no response but you do know there were people in the room. 'No response? Well, can't say I didn't expect that. Mind telling me where I am?' Still no response but there were minor bickering and footsteps finally approach you. 'Oh yeah, come over here chatterbox-' Something was put into your mouth, fingers? You try and move your head back but then you wince as your head hits the wall, after a few more moments, the fingers were taken out of your mouth. 'That's your idea of gagging me?' You laugh. 'If you put your fingers in my mouth again, I'll bite them off.'

'She can't really do that, can she?' A male voice says,  that sounds like Okuda

'A human jaw is strong enough to, so I wouldn't be surprised if she did.' Another says, Tomita? 

'That isn't helping!'

'Just put your fingers in again!'

'I'll bite them.'

'Don't listen to her, she's just bluffing.'

'Am I though?'

'Yes, you are.'

'Why don't we find out then?'

'Fine, I'll do it.' Tomita strolls over confidently and kneels down next to Okuda. 'You just stick 'em in her mouth and-' You bit down and he cries out in pain. 'OKUDA! GET HER OFF ME!'

'R-Right!' You bite down harder while Okuda tries to open your jaw, something suddenly smashes against your head and you let go and wince at the enormous headache and pant softly. 

'YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!' A third male voice yells, Igarashi. 'THERE WAS A BLOODY GAG RIGHT THERE! THIS COULDA BEEN PREVENTED IF YA USED YA BRAINS!' He grabs your hair and pulls your head back harshly, you release a small grunt and the thug chuckles and pulls it harder. 'This is definitely her.'

'Fuck you.' You hiss. 

'Guys, the bosses are here.' Kihara grumbles and Igarashi releases your hair, you hear the bosses enter and stop in front of you. 

'Hello, Y/n.' God, why are all these voices familiar?  'Have a lovely chat with the thugs?'

'Eh, define lovely.' You huff but the person chuckles, you grunt as you get a rough punch to the nose and breaks it before getting another to the jaw. 'Fuck.' You groan and chuckle. 'I usually have to pay for that kind of treatment.'

'I can assume. Kiraha, untie the blindfold.'

'Yes, ma'am.' You hear Kihara walk behind you and untie the blindfold, you open your eyes but then shut them due to how bright the light was, you open them but then your face drops and your resting bitch face appears. 

'You've got to be fucking kidding me.'

'Now now, that's now how you greet your family, Y/n.' Mother tuts with a smirk and you narrow your eyes at her furiously, you look at your siblings and father but then as your eyes fall on Totosai, he looks away guiltily. 

'I guess I should've expected this.' You yawn. 'Nothing new, I suppose.' You grunt as you get a harsh kick to the stomach and your head smacks against the wall, you quietly laugh and sigh. 'C'mon, you can do better than that.' Many of the thugs start kicking and punching you everywhere, after a minute or so, they stop and everyone looks at your beaten body. 'Wow, you continue surprising me.' You mutter sarcastically and spit out blood, in a swift motion, your father had the end of his cane against your throat. 

'You were always the disappointment of the family.'

'Tch, clearly.' You smirk before you begin choking as he presses it harder. 

'Why don't we wait for your friend to come to your rescue, hm?' Mother hisses with an ugly grin before he releases the pressure and you gasp for air. 'In the meantime, we will be using you for our little project.' The minors chuckle and gag you while you squirm and thrash around. 'Totosai, grab the needle and extract some of her blood.' Your oldest brother looks at you sadly as he obediently grabs the nearby needle and puts some gloves on, he strolls over to you and kneels down. 'Hold her still, you idiots!'

'We're trying ma'am!' Mrs L/n groans and the thugs manage to pin you to the wall and keep you still, your fear of needles kicks into action and you fearfully watch Totosai move the needle closer to your upper arm. 

'I'm sorry, Y/n.' He whispers before injecting the needle and extracting blood, he pulls his eyes away and finishes taking blood and moves away. 

'Perfect.' Mother says. 'Now, make her unconscious.'

'Yes, miss.' And you were instantly knocked unconscious by a rough smash against the wall. 

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