3️⃣ 2️⃣

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After the first period, the school went smoothly. I had my lunch with all 8 of my brothers and a few other friends of theirs.

At least now I am on good terms with all 8 of the boys. Miguel didn't say anything else to me after his long speech but winked at me when Rey told them about Cathy. Yes, the mean girl has a name.

So after school, as we got home, Grandma called me into Lucas's office.

I went to his office, and the door was already open.
" Come sit over here Xia"  Lucas said while shifting and making space for me.

Grandma, uncles, Dad, Lucas, Santiago and Marcus were all present in the office.

Now I am pretty sure they want to talk about the test.

"Xia normally princesses are trained from a very young age, so when of the age, they are ready to give the test. But yours is a special case, so you have two options now that you have made you're to give the test. First, you can learn basic self-defence from your brothers for a weekend give the test next week or you can get properly trained in two years and then give your test."

"so why either a week or two years, why can't I get trained for a year or something?"

"Xia there is a grand ball that is organized every two years. This year it will be held next month, that is in 2 weeks. At that party, we celebrate our survival. And in that party, every mafia introduces their change in leader, if any or welcomes any member to the family. In this party, people form new allies and contracts. This is a big event and generally the only event of the underground. "

"I understand papa, but can you tell me what would be the test about."

"Baby 'Los Lobos test' or as you can say in English, 'the Wolf test' is to test your patience and strength, your power and willpower, your brain and your heart.

I can't say more now, sweetie. Think twice, then decide your date."

Remembering Tio's advice, I again searched for my answer and then told everyone that I'll do it next week. I was scared but if I am a true Ortiz I will deal with it.

Tia informed Tio about my decision and it was decided that I will start my training today itself do you know what the sad part is, any guesses?

No, anyone...

Wait I'll tell you, do  you know who will train me?

I will give you some hints-
• my brother who hated me the most.

• who almost got me killed.

• who now ignores me and hardly ever talks to me.

Yes you are correct, I'll be training with non-other than Martin Ortiz.

God help me

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