Chapter 5 the test

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Artemisia , Crystal and Bristol were all taught how to use a dagger in the assassin style, so they finally had the test. And the 3 cat sisters were able to hold their own, even when all the others were trying to keep them at bay, during this test, they learned their true strength, they learned that thither were not weaklings, but very strong young women. The test battle lasted 4 3 hours, until everyone was sufficiently tuckered out. Rinehart "hold it, the test is over, and they have passed. We're all tired and we're all home sore from the mock battle. Let us take a nap, then head to the next town, and go see if there are more favorable toward us. And see if innkeeper will let us spend the night..

They rested for a good hour, woke up refreshed, but they were still sore from the battle. They continued toward their destination, which they did not know what it was yet. Because they didn't have a map, so they continued walking, and they found that the path they were on split three ways, the left path, a middle path, and a right path they chose the middle path. And a few minutes later, arrived at a farming town. In the farming town was an Inn, the name of the N was named the horse in lamb Inn. The Barkeep was a Spanish man who had a Suave. Personality, he said, Greetings friends, My name is Fernando Francesco Freire, I am the nephew of the former innkeeper of this Inn. Here, we allow all comers to visit. Even those some Crassly classify as monsters. If they are civilized. Rinnehart, listen, my friend all of our crew is civilized. We just came from a city that didn't care if monsters were civilized, because they were bigots. Fernando, yes I've heard from the few travelers, we get that the Village in the east, is not very friendly towards creatures, whether they be good or bad. Because of superstitions of Bad Omens and junk like that.. I take care of my aunt, who can see into the eyes of anyone, and tell where they came from. She knew that I from a young age wasn't originally from this world. And I was from a world much different than this one. A world with technology and much ambivalence. Rinehart, sounds an awful lot like earth. I just came from earth a few days ago. And I was in a position where I was mistreated on a daily basis, and I was about to die that the day that they brought me here, and well I'm glad I'm living my new life..

Fernando, I see. And what about you, sir? John, I was not in the same spot as Rinehart, but I had wandered, was this all to life, you know, getting up going to work going home, eating, and going to bed only to look forward to the weekend, only to have some time to have the boss tell me I was working overtime on Saturday, due to It being mandatory. Fernando, ugh I remember the rat race too. I can't stand the rat race, here, there is no such rat race. I hope there never is. Because you don't have to work a normal job. If you don't want to, you can be whatever you set your mind to be. Rinehart, in my past life, I was a 57-year-old me home. No one in my office cared for. I was also mistreated because of my heritage. Being half Japanese half Chinese he said. Both Fernando and John looked at him in surprise. And you just accepted it? Rinehart, of course I did in my culture you don't get upset with your bosses and your coworkers, even if what they're doing is wrong, it's just not done. That was, until the bosses daughter started. Miss treating me, and I finally found out why my work was not showing up as being done correctly all these years. Our team leader had decided since he didn't like and I was part. Chinese, he would make it look like I didn't do my work, so he would get fired, but after five years, I never got fired, and he still hated my guts.

It finally came to light that he was a racist piece of scum, and that he had been doing this, and he had been getting the other team members to make my life a living hell so that I would quit, but I never did, my manager found out, and he said he was very displeased with how my teammates acted toward me, and the reason they did this was he threatened to withhold their yearly bonus if they didn't. He even got to one girl, who was the sweetest girl in the team, and made her do over on my work to make it look like it was not done, so she could have some extra money so she could bring lunch to work, because she had any special needs son.But enough about me, let's pay for our stay here. At this Fernando was in tears. How could those bastards treat you like this, my friend they all deserve to write in the deepest, darkest hole in hell. I'm glad you are here now my friend. Away from those assholes. He wiped his eyes with his handkerchief and blew his nose, I'm sorry, I get so upset when I hear about how people mistreat others.

He took the gold reluctantly, and showed them to the room, what he said word, "the best multi room suite in the entire inn. It was a main area with couches tables, chairs books in the bookshelf, old school board games from the 18th and 19th century from all over the world, plush pillows, a dog bed, one of the couches unfurled to form an extra large bed they dropped their belongings, except for the armor off in the room, locked each room, and locked the Suite. Helena put and enchant on the lock, for a while, they were there, if the door was locked, it would produce a force field around the keyhole that would only allow the key to be in certain, that way the lock could not be popped with a Lock pick. They went down to supper, a few of the towns people came in, and some of the rowdy men were drinking in the back area where they like to hang out. One of them spotted, Helen not realizing what she was come and said "come here, sugar tits let me get a look at you" she walked up to him and slapped him so hard across the face and showed off her true form that he and his friends were all scared. One of them goes up to Fernando and says hey Fernando, how can you let that thing in here?. Fernando, "that thing you racist bastard is a woman, a heartbeat, I let her in here, because she's part of a party, and I kind a like her, she keeps riffraff like you at bay so why don't you pay your freaking tab already so you can get out of here before I ask her friends to come after you for the money. You have neglected to pay you for your beer for six months. It is time you pay for your food and beer. Everyone else in the village pays their dues, except for you lousy locked. Yeah, you can leave willingly, or. Rinehart, are these people giving you a hard time. I heard about them sexually harassing my friend, OK Helena, which one called your sugar tits? She points to the ringleader of the group and Rinehart punches the man in the stomach, and says, if you can't say anything nice you turd don't say anything at all. And I do believe you owe Fernando hear some back payments on your tab, I believe all of you do. Basalta stood at the door, so the guys couldn't escape, and they paid their bills and ran out the door

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