The Summoning

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Title: The Shadow Realm

Chapter One: The Summoning

The night was silent, save for the rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. In the middle of a dense forest stood a circle of stones, the remnants of an ancient ritual. The moon shone down upon the stones, casting an eerie glow over the clearing.

A figure stood within the circle, his robes billowing in the wind. He held a staff in his hand, which he raised towards the sky. In a language long forgotten, he chanted a spell, calling forth a powerful entity from the Shadow Realm.

As he spoke, the ground beneath him trembled, and a chill ran down his spine. He knew the risks of such a summoning, but he was desperate. He needed the power of the Shadow Realm to defeat his enemies.

Suddenly, a gust of wind rushed through the clearing, and a dark mist began to form around the circle. The figure continued to chant, his voice growing louder and more desperate as the mist coalesced into a humanoid shape.

A pair of glowing red eyes appeared within the mist, and a deep, rasping voice echoed through the clearing. "Who summons me from the Shadow Realm?"

The figure gulped, but he did not falter. "I am Malakar, a servant of the Dark One. I call upon your power to aid me in my quest for vengeance."

The mist began to coalesce into a solid form, revealing a towering figure with skin as black as coal and horns that curled around his head. The demon lord known as Zalthor had been summoned.

Zalthor surveyed the figure before him with a cold, calculating gaze. "And what do you offer in return for my aid?"

Malakar knew that he had to be careful. He could not afford to make a mistake with a creature as powerful as Zalthor. "I offer my loyalty, and the souls of my enemies. Their suffering will be a tribute to your greatness."

Zalthor chuckled, his voice echoing through the clearing like thunder. "Very well, mortal. I accept your offer. But remember, your debt to me is eternal. Failure to uphold your end of the bargain will result in a fate worse than death."

With that, Zalthor vanished, leaving behind a cloud of black smoke. Malakar knew that he had made a dangerous deal, but he had no choice. He needed the power of the Shadow Realm to exact his revenge.

As he left the clearing, Malakar felt a sense of unease settle over him. He knew that he had unleashed a darkness that could consume him, but it was a risk he was willing to take. For the power of the Shadow Realm was worth any price.

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