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•[Animal Crossing]•

Y/N has had the last straw with Tsukishima. When she heard those words leave Tsukki's mouth she absolutely froze. She had felt like air had been knocked from her lungs due yo how stiff and silent she got.

Everyone else wondered what it was he had told her as well to get her to react in such a way.

And when she got home later she had a mental breakdown. She screamwd at herself and broke anything she got her hands on. Except for her game, no matter how tempting it was.

Sge was even forced to tell her fans that she was going to take a break for a bit. She even had to contact KT8, whom she still doesn't know is actually Kenma, and told him that the special is off.

Is everything alright? I saw your tweet.

Yeah, just need a bit of alone time.

Oh okay, understandable. Hopefully everything gets better, would sill love to play with you.

She never responded back. Gaming is her everything and for Tsukishima to figure out that she's the one behind the screen scared her. It made her wonder if he was just bluffing to get a reaction out of her, however this is Tsukishima we're talking about, he doesn't give a shit.

Y/N finally settled down after an hour and a half of crying and tossing things around. She's glad her mother is still out to work. Then again maybe if she had seen her daughter this way she would've considered moving again.

Y/N closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. But then her phone rang, startling her awake. She searched the bed for it but came up nothing.

Y/N glanced under the bed and found it, grabbing it as she did. There was no name to indicate who it was calling her, and her answering an unknown number just made her paranoid.

Y/N watched as the phone rang, her heart thumping in her chest. After a few more seconds of ringing she exhaled a shaky breath.

Answer the phone bitch.
Now before I dox your ugly ass before midnight.

Y/N knew instantly that it was Tsukishima. How'd he even get her number again? She blocked him, and him only. She wouldn't be surprised if he threathened it put of Yamaguchi or Hinata.

Her phone flashed a ring again and she hesitated. But in the end, she answered.

"Good girl, I thought my fun was going to end so soon." Tsukki grins.

"What do you want?"

"To make your life a living hell, Y/N. It's your time to break."

"Just leave me alone, please." She hated how she had to kiss up to Tsukki, but she can't lose the one thing that kept her sane all these years in her life.

"Leave you alone?" He laughed. "Oh I'm just getting started. Now listen to me and listen good. That shit you posted on Twitter doesn't apply to me. By Monday you better be live and posting again or I swear to God you'll watch your life plummet before your eyes," he explains.

Y/N sniffed, feeling another wave of tears coming. "Just leave me alone," she sobs. Hearing her cry made him feel all the more better about Kageyama's situation.

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