Highways, and Finding a Way Home - May 14 2023

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It start off with me being driven to a grandpa's house, we were driving down the highway about to exit, with it being about midday. We somehow make it to grandpas house and my parents along with their car disappear.

As a result I try to find a way back home.

At the start there were two people biking with me, supposedly grandpa and a friend of his. We start biking through the familiar neighbourhoods of another dream until we lose our way. I take out a magical receipt which shows the path we need to take. Unfortunately, the quickest way is through the highway. So we biked in between the winding neighbourhood streets with my grandpas friend being left behind.

The receipt tells us to join onto the highway, we need to cross some train tracks. A train passes by and another does as well.

We make a break for it, me and grandpa.

We are on the highway with cars zooming by, and I look at the magical receipt every few seconds. Grandpa disappears. I then come to an intersection between highways.with circular roads and confusing pathways leading in three different directions, one back the way we came.

I look at the receipt for a path and sure enough it shows me one. I cross the highway street that goes under a bridge and take the outskirts of the highway as it quickly approaches night. (It was about 8:39, I checked the air and it said 8:39).

I look along the left side of the highway as I see many land mark buildings such as some from other dreams as well as the Hershey's soccer stadium and workplace offices. I look back many times to conclude no one was following me. I then seem to approach Square One the Carnival.

I bike into the entrance to the carnival

That is where I meet Ice, Marleah and A thrid person, it looked a lot like Bruno. I meet up with them and I dab Ice up leaving my bike in the dust.

I leave heading for actual square one running at the speed of the bike. This was still on the highway side. When I find it I enter it, I find a giant hallway full of people shops closing and the stores getting emptier and emptier as I grow closer to the end. The end of the mall was a food court with a Prada showcase room. That's where I tried to find the exit.

In the end I met up with Matthew and Ava. They started to walk me home. We exited the door where lots of other people were also exiting. Matthew made the comment of "The middle door is the best door" and we started to leave through the very familiar parking lot (found in many of my dreams however similar to the parking found on the Walmart side of Erin Mills Town Centre)

We walk a few steps into the parking lot when I notice that my Cosmic shard count was going down rapidly, indicating that I was about to awaken.

Once it reached zero, I was awoken to the lonely and empty air, looking around tired and aimlessly throughout my real life room.

(I feel as if this story has deeper meaning to it, if you're curious, just dm me)

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