Chapter 1, A New Journey

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Colle looked back at the cave, And waved goodbye. It was time for a new beginning. Colle walked through the portal, And braced himself.

— Colle POV -
After I walked through, I felt this weird sensation of power. I fell face first into a plains biome. "Ugh.. My head.. God that wasn't pleasant. Well I'm in a normal biome so that's good." I said, Getting up. I had lost all my remaining stuff, So I had to start over. I mined a few trees and made a few tools. I walked around for a bit until I found a cave. I mined some materials and got some iron gear. I made my way out of the cave, Trying to find any signs of life. After walking for almost an hour, I decided to get the materials to set up camp. I then went to sleep. A noise had woken me up at about 3AM. I jolted up and grabbed a sword, Looking around. I saw a figure in the bushes and decided to approach it. "Look, I don't want trouble. I know your there.. If you want to hurt me, Then I won't hesitate to hurt you back." I said, Causing the creature to slowly come out of the bushes. Revealing a person that looked like Alex. "Alex?" I said. "Hi?" She said. This looked like Alex, But they seemed to resemble a forest steve. "I'm Nature Alex." She said. "I'm Colle." I said. "Nice to meet you, Colle." She responded. "You kind of look like a Forest Steve." I said. She noticeably looked confused. "Forest Steve? What's that?" She finally said after a few seconds of silence. "It's something from my world, Anyways.. Do you have a home? Why were you out here?" I said. "Well, I do have a home and I was out here because I was looking for someone." Nature said. "If you don't mind me asking, Who?" I asked. "A Ruby Alex named Scarlett, Have you seen her?" Nature said. "No, I haven't. I'm sorry." I said. "It's fine, But while I look for her you can stay at my village! Follow me." She said, So I followed. It took us about 5 minutes to get there. It was a peaceful garden looking place. "Here it is!" She shouted. A few different people stepped outside, Ones that weren't Steves or someone that looks like Alex, and ones that looked like Nature Alex but altered plants. "Hello." I said. They all waved. "You can talk to them whenever you want, You can sleep in the guest house!" Nature said. I nodded. She pointed to the direction of the house and I went. After setting my stuff up, I collapsed on the bed. Though, I began to have a nightmare..

Colle.. Colle.. You left us.

The Voices of every person I've met clogged my mind, All saying the same thing.

Colle, You are pathetic. We have SUFFERED because of you. We will never forgive you.

"Stop, Just leave me alone. I'm sorry!" I shouted.

You must pay for your actions, Colle. You must die.

"NO!" I jumped up from the bed, Waking up. It was morning time. I sighed, And headed to the kitchen. I grabbed some steak and sat down. "I miss them.. I really do." I said. I looked out the window, Many people were talking. So, I decided to eat the steak and get out of the house.

Time for a new adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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