Heir Black

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Walburga looked at her oldest son. The boy looked back at her, hands tied behind him on the chair.
"You are the heir to the House of Black. Sirius. You have been destroying our reputation. First a Gryffindor, then pranks and now? Publicly dating a halfbreed?"
"Remus is not a halfbreed!"
"Werewolf scum! You should never have associated yourself with him. You've had your fun. Now you must take your duties seriously."
"Or what?"
The boy writhed in pain, gritting his teeth. His body felt like it was on fire. And then it went, the cold setting in. He could feel his hands shaking.
"You think you can scare me with that?" He asked, spitting out blood on his mother's dress, "That's nothing new."
"Hmm, if that's the case... Regulus!" She yelled up the stairs. The sound of footsteps running could be heard.
"And maybe if that isn't enough, I'm sure your cousin Bellatrix will happily find that werewolf."
Regulus ran into the room and was immediately hit with a crucio curse. At the sight of his brother on the floor, Sirius immediately relented.
"Fine! What do you want from me?"
"You shall not associate yourself with that little boyfriend of yours. Or the Potter boy. You have a place lined up at Durmstrang. You cannot send any letters we have not first checked. You must act in a respectable manner at all times."
"Then you are free to go. But, if you step one toe out of line, you know what will happen."
"Yes... Mother."
"Now get put of my sight."

Sirius helps his brother up and they lean on each other as they climb the large stairway.
"You okay?" The older asked.
"It'll be fine."
"I'm sorry."
"Its not your fault."
They stayed silent for a while, until Regulus said, "I can send your friends letters."
"My letters aren't checked like yours. You could explain to James and Peter. And Remus."
"Thank you."
"You've saved me enough times. It's the least I can do."
"You good to walk the rest of the way?"
Sirius let go and watched Regulus stumble back to his room. Deciding to move again, he limped to the bathroom, finally letting go. He punched the mirror, again and again, until it was shattered and his knuckles were bloody and broken. In one of the shards, he noticed the tears running down his cheeks and sunk down the wall to the floor.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he muttered under his breath, fiddling with the necklace Remus gave him.

After maybe half an hour, he got back up again, wiping his cheeks. Using his wand, he repaired the mirror and splahed water on his face.
"I am Sirius Orion Black, Heir to the Nobel House of Black. I'm am Sirius Orion Black, Heir to the Nible House of Black."

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