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The dragon wakes up with a barely audible groan just as the doctor comes into the room. The doctor beamed when she notices she's awake.

"Miss L/N, I'm your doctor. You gave us quite the scare, especially with Bucky going feral every time someone got close to you."

The doctor approaches slowly, as if the dragon is going to light her up and watch her burn alive. The thought amused the dragon until she sees the needle. The doctor must've noticed her gaze as she quickly explained,

"This is intravenous medication to lessen the pain."

A hoarse voice next to her bedside says,

"Needles don't work on her."

Both women snap their attention to the winter soldier, who was already snarling at the doctor. The dragon hums in content.

"Спасибо Солдат." Thanks, Soldier

The soldier nods with a ghost of a smile, brushing a strand of hair out of her face. He replies,

"Я скучал по тебе, светлячок." I missed you, Firefly.

A long-forgotten warmth spreads throughout her body as a small smile ghosts on her face. The soldier and her used to work together with every important mission. Nobody can slay an overprotective dragon, and hardly anyone can touch the soldier by himself. They were an untouchable duo, the fire power of Hydra.

The dragon protected him with a viciousness that scared even the toughest enemies. She was a ghost, nameless and faceless in the eyes of the public, a myth every generation grew up believing. With her wings tucked in such a way nobody can see them, she could be anyone.

A sea of loving memories run through her mind, breaking through the memory wipe like it was a glass barrier.

"Я помню." I remember

She says, eyes wide with terror. Their heads whip in the direction of the doctor, who reminded them of her presence by clearing her throat. Cолдат looked ready to murder the doctor, getting in a protective stance. It seems neither of them remember they aren't at Hydra anymore. He growls deeply,

"Я не позволю им заполучить тебя, Светляк." I won't let them get you, Firefly

She gives him a sad look. A gentle hand on his arm relaxed the feral soldier, however slightly. She was always his weakness, and he was always hers.

"Боюсь, у нас нет выбора. Я люблю тебя, солдат." I'm afraid we don't have a choice. I love you, soldier.

The onlookers watch the winter soldier's eyes grow misty with tears brimming his stunning blue eyes but refusing to fall. He says heavily,

"Прости, мой светлячок." I'm sorry, my firefly.

She only nods in response. The watching Avengers have never seen the winter soldier in Bucky show any emotion like this for anyone. It makes the onlookers passing by wonder just how deeply connected the two truly were.

The doctor very slowly approaches the two assassins.

"I'm going to take the arrows out of your wings, okay? This is going to hurt without pain medication, but we don't know if you can metabolize oral medication."

The dragon only nods, a faraway look on her face. She didn't flinch once as the arrows were plucked carefully out of her wings.

What did they do to her in the absence of the soldier?

The super soldier almost dreaded the answer. They know how cruel and twisted Hydra has been to both of them. She always got the worst of the pain, always taking more so he could suffer despite not knowing if it even made a difference. She was vicious in her protectiveness to the point that they had to freeze her every time they were going to torture him. Her flaring rage nearly melted the machine within minutes of the torture starting, but the scientists worked hard to find ice that couldn't be melted by her fury.

"Aaaand, you're all done! I must say, your pain resistance is remark -"

The doctor cut herself off with a gasp. She watched mesmerized as the wounds healed in front of her eyes. The dragon seemed unbothered by the awestrucken doctor, her eyes casted down, and head bowed.

"Ready to comply."

The dragon's voice cuts the air sharply, flames lining herself like a blazing cocoon, tempting to burn anyone who dares to come close to her. She tries not to show her terror of the unknown, but the subtle tensing of Bucky's jaw showed that he noticed, yet there was nothing he could do. What's going to happen when she leaves the hospital? Would she be punished because she was injured? Would she be praised for the successful mission?

An unknown voice says,

"Come with us. We'll show you two to your new cells."

Their heads nodded in robotic unison, holding their hands out to be cuffed. It's not like it mattered. The two can snap metal like it's nothing, especially flimsy metal like handcuffs. It's just another reminder that they are prisoners, slaves to do whatever they were told to.

Cолдат carefully asks,

"Можем ли мы разделить тюремную камеру?" Can we share a prison cell?

The blonde man looks over at a red-haired woman who smiles sadly and translates to the blonde.

"They want to share a cell."

The blonde quirks an eyebrow at the redhead,

"Are you sure you want to allow that? What if they plan a breakout?"

The redhead carefully eyed the two assassins before her eyes turned back to the blonde. She said simply,

"I don't think they will. They love. Besides, they think they're still in Hydra, so let's use that to our advantage in the meantime."

Steve turned his full attention to the two. The two seemed lost in each other, murmuring to each other in encoded Russian, a code the two made up together when on missions so only each other would know what they're saying.

Everyone in the Avengers tried everything to break Bucky free of the winter soldier, but the soldier was adamant about staying. Whatever the trigger words did were stronger than anything they attempted.

Finally, Nat said yes to their request. The two weapons straightened their postures. The duo form a single-file line, something they seem to have done millions of times. Nat warily eyed the two and began leading them to their prison cell. As long as everyone plays like they're in Hydra, they'll be under control.

A/N - Please ignore the Google translated Russian. I know, it's likely terrible, but it makes sense that they meet in Russia and therefore know Russian.

The Dragon || Reader x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now